The general outlook for 2011 would appear to be better than that of the last several years. We have come through a series of alignments that have shook and shocked our world, and there is more just ahead in this decade. And it has been whispered, just maybe, we will move into the dawn of a new world, the beginning of a new age, by the 2020's. But, for now, 2011 might provide some degree of needed respite to our challenges and tribulations.
Whereas in 2006-07 we had Saturn opposing Neptune, which heralded the busting of many illusions in the world, not the least of which was the credit/debit bubble bursting. This was followed by 2008-10 where we faced Saturn and Uranus in opposition, which was the driving force of the conflicts between outworn existing institutions and systems, versus the sometimes incoherent eruption of energies seeking to bring about fundamental change in the status quo.
This juxtaposition of Saturn and Uranus was then joined in the latter part of that period, in late 2009 into 2010, by Saturn squaring Pluto. This challenge (Pluto) to the status quo (Saturn) added a deeper and more threatening tone to the forces of change sweeping our world. The forces attempting to preserve order and those attempting to create a new one are now locked in a great struggle.
A Time to Pause
But it would seem that this year there is to be a pause. That is mere appearance, of course, because time (the planets) march on and there is always change, even if it is less intense for some of us. But it is a time to look for signs, a time to re-assess and re-group. For up ahead, the dance of the planets continues, and they will lead us into more powerful forces and alignments, the very forces that can and will bring about a new world.
This entry is by way of beginning my explanation of what to look for in the year ahead and in the years to come, (and what we can learn from years past), as shown to us by what is known as Mundane or Worldly Astrology. Just as in personal or person-centered astrology, this can and must be viewed in two distinct ways.
Two Kinds of Transits
One type is as in the examples above; that is of planets moving in a great dance with one another in our solar system. They continually form up various combinations of aspects with one another that create or produce effects felt by one and all collectively here on Earth. These combinations astrologers call Transits to Transits. Within this great whirling of wheels within wheels, patterns form and re-form, patterns repeat but never quite exactly as before. But since there is much that can be gained from looking at those prior alignments, we look back to those similar patterns in an attempt to discern the conditions for our present and future. So I will refer to other times and places to illustrate the nature of what we are faced with now.
The other type of alignment is what astrologers call Transits to Natal. These are created by the planets moving through our solar system as they form relationships with the planetary placements that are in a particular birth chart. For Mundane Astrology, we look at the charts of Nations, World Leaders and other notable individuals, major Economic, Cultural, Spiritual, or any other "birthed" organizations, to ascertain the forces at work in their past, present or future. I will be examining a number of such entities in this 2011 forecast, and, as events unfold, will from time to time look at other players on the stage of history.
And with this second type of alignment comes a caveat to my opening claim that 2011 will be a respite. Although the depth and power of the "Transits to Transits" this year is more muted, that may not matter for some. For many individuals and organizations, the transits to their own charts that will be in force this year will be profound and challenging. The forces that have been unleashed of late are still playing out in each of us and in our organizations. That means for many of us, 2011 will seem as eventful and challenging as what we have witnessed before. The wheels are turning; the dance of life goes on.
But we must always remember; this world is going to be transformed, not by planets or stars, but by... us. We are the actors in this drama; and forces play through and around us. But it is up to each and every one of us to make the world that is coming into being.
All we can do, and must do, is understand where and what we have come from, to watch for and understand the signs that have always been there to guide us, and, so guided, fulfill our destiny which is to create a heaven here on Earth.
As I mentioned in the introduction, the year ahead seems to offer a brief respite from the powerful alignments we have experienced in the recent past. Planetary motions, however, are not circumscribed by our calendar and often alignments and their effects spill over from one year to another. So too in this year some of the signature events of 2010 are finishing up here in the first quarter of 2011.
Jupiter Conjunct Uranus (Jan. 4)
Among the more significant of these alignments was the subject of what I wrote in the posting for January 4, Jupiter Conjunct Uranus. This event was the third and final conjunction (New Moon) of Jupiter with Uranus. Their cycle, from conjunction to the next conjunction, lasts about 14 years and each conjunction heralds the release of energies that stimulate the development of discoveries and breakthroughs in arts, science and technology. Moreover, on a social level, their impulse serves to quicken the evolution of new forms of social development and interaction. This more personal or social aspect of the alignment was explained in the posting for January 5, Jupiter Conjunct Uranus- Worldly vs. Personal.
Though they have "finished" their conjunction, we will see the effects of their alignment in the years to come in the wider propagation of the scientific and technological advances they stimulated. We will also see the social aspects of their quickening playing out in our relationships with one another too, as the urge to establish greater freedoms within and between one another accelerates the development of various cultures and societies.
Jupiter Opposition Saturn (Mar. 28)
The other "carry-over" alignment from 2010 is the opposition (Full Moon) of Jupiter and Saturn. Their cycle, from Conjunction to Conjunction, (or as in this case, Opposition to Opposition), is 20 years. In 2010 they came to an opposition in late May and mid-August, and their final contact will be on March 28, 2011.
With Jupiter ruling principles, truths and beliefs, and Saturn ruling structures, institutions and reality, their opposition provides a sharp contrast for us to see how much what we believe to be true is being lived out in fact. In other words, it is a time for a reckoning between the belief or meaning behind the form and the form or reality itself. More often than not, (and this depends upon what else is happening down here and "up there"), this opposition can create a crisis of faith in our belief systems or a loss of trust in our institutions... or both. Certainly, here and around the world, this was a year of reckoning, and more than we might at first realize.
The Great Mutation of Jupiter and Saturn
For this dance of Jupiter and Saturn has a storied history for astrologers. We have used their serial alignments as they progress through the elements to understand some of the larger forces at play in our universe. What we have discovered is that Jupiter and Saturn will come together in their conjunction in the same element, (Fire, Earth, Air and Water), for about 180 to 200 years, before they move onto the next element. This movement from element to element is called the "Great Mutation".
Since 1842 their conjunctions have been occurring in Earth and their last such alignment was in the spring of 2000. While in an elemental phase, those conditions established by that element permeate and promote the developments in culture and society. So, the last 169+ years have witnessed an explosion in the harnessing of energies and materials of the earth, literally. It has been an "age" of materialism, of the rise of our carbon fueled society and the creation of a very specific kind of reality. But there is change in the air already, and our reality is about to be transformed...
For what we have also found is that there is often a sign of things to come right before the next Great Mutation. Often, it seems, the second to last conjunction occurs in that next element in the series. So in 1802 there was a precursor alignment in Earth. And most recently, it was the 1980-81 Air conjunction in Libra, before we reached the final alignment in Earth via the Taurus conjunction of May 2000.
The Next Age
What these seem to provide is a "seeding" of what is to come, a taste of the new world that will be inaugurated at the next Great Mutation, which for us is just ahead in 2020. As the 1802 conjunction jump-started the "Age of Materialism", so too has the 1980-81 alignment initiated what we might call the "Age of Virtue". Though some aspects of this Virtuousness or "Virtuosity" have manifested in rather physical forms, such as in the developments in the 1980's and 90's which witnessed the proliferation of computers, cellular phones and the internet, (our interconnectedness was accelerating), and which has now lead to the evolution of virtual worlds and communities, (such as experienced in phenomena like Facebook), we will see that the 2020's and beyond will witness the continuing unfoldment of forms of connectivity that will transcend these physical forms and their limits. But we are, (I am), getting ahead of ourselves.
Jupiter and Saturn Now
At the present moment, the final opposition of Jupiter and Saturn within the Earth series provides us with this moment in time to see to what extent we have transformed ourselves and our world through our material "mastery". And, it equally reminds us what limits and challenges have been created by this earthy paradigm in our consciousness as well. We may marvel at our creations, yet we must mourn what we have sacrificed of this Earth to bring about our material world.
What's ahead?
In the next posting we will examine the other major alignments of 2011, as well as other phenomena such as Solar and Lunar eclipses and other matters that reside in the "Transit to Transit" category.
Then, in later postings, we will turn our attention to the other great method of Astrological Insight, provided by the "Transits to Natal" aspects, and examine the various alignments of the planets to specific charts of nations, world leaders and other organizations and individuals. Stay tuned...
We turn our attention now to the other major "Transit to Transit" alignments of 2011 and other phenomena.
Jupiter Square Pluto (Feb. 25)
The cycle of Jupiter and Pluto, again from conjunction to conjunction, is roughly 12 years long. Their last conjunction (New Moon) occurred at the end of December 2007. That conjunction released a new potential for integrating our Will (Pluto) and Beliefs (Jupiter) within the context of the sign of Sagittarius, the seeker of truth.
We arrive at their waxing square on February 25, 2011, and again we face a choice. Now we are at crossroads, we must find a way to integrate Jupiter in Aries, which seeks to pursue new and idealistic forms of relationship, with the demands of Pluto in Capricorn, which seeks to maintain control as demanded by tradition and established authority. The spirit of Jupiter yearns to bring about new forms of personal and social advancement, but the will of the status quo as expressed by Pluto may lead to a difficult reckoning. The way through is to honor what has worked but not to yield to those who merely wield power without honoring their responsibilities.
Jupiter Sextile Neptune (Jun. 8)
The cycle of Jupiter and Neptune is about 12 to 13 years long. Their last conjunction was during 2009. With Jupiter providing the principles to guide our relationships, the alignment to Neptune in Aquarius created a renewed sensibility of community and compassion. It was no accident that the biggest push to universal health care in the US was attempted during this time.
Now at the waxing sextile on June 8, 2011 the more practical working out and manifestation of this impulse is seen. What were once intimations, ideas and proposals have become real patterns of how we now see we must relate to one another. There is a sense that we have come to understand that following the path of truth requires that we must conduct our affairs with tolerance, compassion and forgiveness. This understanding will be challenged, and we will have to choose which path to follow, a year later, in June 2012, when our present beliefs and dreams about our future face a test.
Jupiter Trine Pluto (Jul. 7, Oct. 28, Mar. 13, 2012)
The cycle of Jupiter and Pluto moves into this more positive phase for the next 9 months. Having faced the challenge in late February, we will find ourselves able to expand more effortlessly now in our material life and spiritual understanding. Because Jupiter has moved into Taurus (Earth) and Pluto is in Capricorn (Earth), this creates very positive conditions for real economic growth. Though there are always expanding and contracting forces at play in any year, this is certainly a strong factor supporting those areas that are capable of growth, especially those which have read the signs of change and adapted. Spiritually, to the extent the right choices were made in February, the opportunity now is to bring about a real evolution in our moral affirmation of one another. We are willing to seek accommodation with each other as an expression of our understanding for one another.
The Solar and Lunar Eclipses produce effects that draw our attention to the lessons to be learned in the signs of their occurrence. In a way, they provide an opportunity, through dramatic and visual exclamation, to have a deeper experience and connection to either a new release of energy (Solar) or revelation of meaning (Lunar). Much more extensive analysis will be offered when the eclipses occur. Here is a summary of what to expect.
Solar (Jan. 4)
The Solar Eclipse of January 4 was already covered in my posting for that event: Solar Eclipse (Jan 4)
Solar (Jun. 1)
The Solar Eclipse of June 1 heralds a new series of lessons for us since it occurs in Gemini. The Lunar nodes are moving from Cancer/Capricorn to Gemini/Sagittarius. Yes, that's right, these points in space move "backwards" through the Zodiac. They are established by two intersecting "spheres" formed from the orbital paths of the Earth around the Sun, and the Moon around the Earth. Where those two orbits intersect is the time, every 6 months, where the Sun, Moon and Earth line up with one another. This is what allows for there to be the phenomenon of the Moon's shadow passing across the Earth (Solar Eclipse), or the shadow of the Earth passing across the Moon (Lunar Eclipse).
The June 1 Gemini Solar Eclipse is saying that in order to use this new release of energy that comes at a New Moon, you will first have to go back and repair, correct or finish some aspect of your thinking. Gemini rules intelligence, but true intelligence is founded upon critical self-awareness. Just having the "right" answer does not make you spiritually intelligent; the real issue is, are you asking the right question?
Lunar (Jun. 15)
The Lunar Eclipse on June 15 is in Sagittarius and we ordinarily expect that a Full Moon would provide some new revelation about the relationship between our lower mind (Gemini) and higher understanding (Sagittarius), between our Future and our Past. But with the eclipse our present reality is obscuring the message. We must confront something in our present state of mind in order to receive the Full Moon message.
Solar (Jul. 1)
Back to back Solar Eclipses adds an urgent tone to the messages from the stars. This time the New Moon is in Cancer, and the new beginnings for how we can secure our lives requires we more deeply understand where security really comes from first.
Solar (Nov 25)
The Solar Eclipse of November 25 is in Sagittarius. The release of a new energy in understanding must first address the need to repair our notions of truthfulness. Do you know where you are going? Oh, then you know from whence you came? Remember.
Lunar (Dec. 10)
The Lunar Eclipse on December 10 is in Gemini. The illumination provided at the Full Moon is interrupted by our present circumstances. Though we wish to think more clearly (Gemini), old patterns and assumptions need to be confronted. The issue is "how intelligent are you?"
The movement of a planet from one sign into the next is called an ingress. The Moon is in sign for about 2 ½ days, the Sun for roughly 30 days, and an outer planet, like Uranus, for about 7 years. As these shifts occur we experience a new melodic blending of and message from the stars.
Jupiter Enters Aries (Jan. 22)
Jupiter has gone into and back out of Aries in the past year. We have already felt its message of new beginnings, which were quickened and heightened by the pairing with Uranus. Now until June, we feel the urge to race ahead because we want to be in the future already!
Jupiter Enters Taurus (Jun. 4)
Jupiter moves into Taurus for a year on June 4. With solid foundations and patience there is tangible progress now. There is steady growth, and physical security will increase for many. With the end of the Jupiter/Saturn opposition, combined with the trine of Jupiter and Pluto later, Jupiter in Taurus should create a much more positive result for those economies positioned to benefit. The general US economic forecast will be revised upward.
Uranus Enters Aries (Mar. 11)
Just as with Jupiter, we have already had a taste of Uranus in Aries in 2010. Now the planet of independence, originality and inventiveness moves into the first sign to stay for 7 years. The previous swing through Aries occurred from 1928 to 1934. Now that may look a little ominous to some, but there were many other factors contributing to the social and economic disruptions that took place then.
Uranus in Aries brings about significant advances in science and technology. There is an urgency and eagerness to make new beginnings in many aspects of life. The pace of life quickens, but impatience will also be stoked. The rise of progressive leaders and movements advocating change will go head to head with the old order as Uranus and Pluto line up with one another from 2012-2015.
Neptune Enters Pisces (Apr. 4, Aug. 4, Feb. 3, 2012)
Just as with Jupiter and Uranus last year, Neptune dances back and forth between one sign and the next this year. It has been in Aquarius since 1998 and it will stay in Pisces starting next February 2012 until March 2025. This is a coming home event, since Neptune is said to rule Pisces.
The last time Neptune was here was 1848 to 1862 and the pursuit of dreams (and fantasies) grew apace. In the US, the westward expansion was accelerated as the vision of gold sparkled in the eyes of "forty-niners". In the spiritual world, on the heels of the "Second Great Awakening", a growing religious fervor spurred the calls for justice as abolitionists struggled to make our country confront the great evil and shame of slavery.
For the next 13 years, a pathway has been offered for a renewal of understanding, compassion and sacrifice. We are moving into a period of spiritual revival and growth. Dreams, romance and the imagination will take flight.
Be prepared to ready to embrace... and be able to surrender, so that the gifts of Spirit may enter our hearts and so remind us that we are one. "E Pluribus Unum"
What's Next?
In the next General Forecast postings we will begin to look at specific players on the stage of history and see what the alignment of the planets has in store for them, and us. In this technique, we will look at what are called Transits to Natal; that is observing the planetary motions as they intersect with and influence the birth charts of nations, world leaders and notable figures, organizations and many other "birthed" entities.
In addition, during the year when interests, circumstance or whim indicate, I will look at these and other relevant charts to illustrate the astrological perspective. Moreover, I will also respond to reasonable requests for subjects for analysis during the year as well.
TRANSITS TO NATAL - The Astrology of Nations and World Leaders - Part Three:
The analysis of a Natal or Birth Chart is familiar to many of us. An astrologer will delineate the character, opportunities, challenges and life potentials of their client. The astrologer will also use the technique we are about to use, Transits to Transits, as one major way of explaining to their client, what they have experienced, what is before them now, and what is likely to be encountered in the future.
What Chart?
With an individual the determination of what constitutes the chart is fairly simple; the chart is calculated for the moment the individual achieved "independent" existence, the first breath. But what are we to do with a nation? Or when does a company begin? And what happens when there are changes such as major shakeup in government or rulership? Or when a company merges or breaks apart? What is a mundane astrologer to do? Well, it is not easy, and there are no easy answers.
Take for instance the United States. Most of us would assume that the chart must be July 4, 1776. Okay, but what time of day, morning, midday, afternoon or evening? Well there are many different times that have been put forth and analyzed by astrologers. But some historians, and astrologers, argue for July 2 when the vote for independence was made by the Continental Congress. Some argue for the so-called Declaration of War that was passed in a resolution on July 6, 1775. Or some would date it from when "hostilities" broke out at the Battle of Lexington on April 19, 1775. Some will look back to the landing of the pilgrims in December 1620!
However the accepted and celebrated "birthday" for the US is July 4, 1776. What time did it happen? There is evidence in written records, memoirs and oral traditions for early morning, mid-morning, early afternoon, late afternoon and evening too...So what is an astrologer to do?
Well, we take a chart and then compare what has happened in history with what the chart would indicate for those events. We try and find what seems like a good or best match and work with that. Over time a chart seems to work and feel right...but it is far from a settled issue.
Charts and Charts...
Once we have a birth chart for a nation we analyze it and other charts to see how it and these other charts predict the developments and challenges of that society. What other kinds of charts? We look at the charts of leaders such as presidents or prime ministers, kings or queens, to see what the indications are for their leadership for that society in that period. Not only do we look at the individual's chart, but we also cast a chart for when they assume or take their oath of office. So, in the case of the US now, we not only look at the chart for the US, we also look at Barack Obama's chart as well as a chart for when he was sworn in. We examine Harry Reid's chart, and we looked at Nancy Pelosi, to see how the House of Representatives might fair, but now turn our attention to John Boehner, all in order to see how the dynamics play out in our political system.
We also look at other institutional charts. Again, with the US as an example, we will look at the chart let's say of the Federal Reserve. Well, how do we know what is its birth date? Well, we do, the Federal Reserve came into existence at a specific moment by law, and that becomes its birth chart.
Then there are other charts that become significant in understanding the larger world such as in the charts of businesses or corporations. Well, when do they begin? Again, it depends. Sometimes we use a chart for when an enterprise first opened for business. Oftentimes there are dates (sometimes with state seals and times!) of incorporation. Many astrologers will use, if available, the chart of when a company first began trading on a stock exchange. Any and all of these can prove useful and accurate.
And, just as in the political world, astrologers will examine the birth charts of economic and business leaders to see what else we might discern about the various enterprises they are entrusted with.
We will look at other individuals and organizations too, such as notable persons in the arts, science, education, medicine, or to important organizations like the UN or World Bank, or maybe the European Union or the Euro, these and many others are examined by Mundane Astrologers.
But what happens when a nation changes significantly, from one form of government to another? Or a company merges or splits up. Well, we try and make use of whatever documentation there is and create a new chart for that entity. For example, though there has been a chart for Tunisia that we have employed to understand what is happening there now, that chart may certainly be superseded by a new form of government and constitution, and a new chart.
Oftentimes we might have several different charts we are looking at for the same nation or organization. The measure of a chart is taken by the accuracy with which it explains the past and present circumstances. Then there is some degree of confidence of what we can expect in the future.
The March of History
But events, individuals and organizations are in a constant state of change, so we must be alert and mindful of that and not become complacent. Astrology is first and foremost a study of cycles. Each birth chart represents a moment in time, and time is marching on. And so must we....So let's begin to take a look at what we might discover from the analysis of Transits to Natal, the transits to the birth charts of some notable nations and individuals in the coming year. And during the year, we will take a look again at these and other actors on the stage of history. First up, let us examine the United States of America.
TRANSITS TO NATAL - The Astrology of Nations and World Leaders - The United States- Part Four
United States - Which chart?
The analysis of the United States requires that we stipulate first which chart we are using. I have found that Dane Rudhyar's version of the Sibley chart works well for me. It is set for July 4, 1776 at 5:14 pm in Philadelphia, PA and has 13° of Sagittarius rising. I will not endeavor here to give a "reading" on the character and challenges of the United States as revealed in this chart, perhaps I will do something like that in a posting later this year. Here I want to focus upon the relevant transits that explain what the US is faced with in the coming year (and beyond). Often, to help illustrate that, we will look back at other similar times and alignments to give us some relevant frames of reference.
United States - 2011 a look back first
An analysis of what lies before the US in this year immediately raises the question as to what have we just come through. After all, the experience of any entity cannot be neatly divided up by our notion of when a year begins and ends. Moreover, as many of you know, the alignments in a chart may be in effect for much longer than one year as well. So, before we begin to look ahead we must look back. What have we just come through? What were we being asked as a nation to address? And, yes, what can we expect in the year ahead?
(2009-2010) Pluto Opposing Venus
Several major transits were in effect for the United States in 2010. One of these, Pluto in Opposition to Venus actually happened in 2009 and 2010. Pluto rules death and rebirth; it smashes apart what has outlived its time so that the rebuilding can take place. Venus rules value, the notion of what is worthy whether that be in terms of self-worth (or nation-worth) as well as outward physical values like in tangible assets. So, this alignment of Pluto to Venus brought about a fundamental tearing down of the old assumptions about US value and our real values as embodied in our properties and businesses. Moreover, Pluto rules the will and powerful forces arrayed for and against one another. Pluto opposing Venus indicated a great struggle over questions about, and the nature of, what are the values of America. Well this sounds familiar doesn't it? We certainly went through a re-evaluation or our physical assets, (land, stocks, bonds, companies), as well as struggled over the definition of exactly what is to be most valued about America.
The last time Pluto went over America's Venus was 1972-73. The term "Stagflation" was coined to describe a country burdened by debts from the Vietnam War, while at the same time the Arab Oil embargo stoked the fires of unimagined inflation. Meanwhile, in the political arena, there was an incident called "Watergate" that shook the foundations of and threatened the balance of power between the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches.
And, so too in this time, there have been major economic shocks, as well as calls for a fundamental rearrangement of the balance of power between the states and the federal government. Cycles repeat, but the substance of what our challenge is and the characters that play across the stage of history change.
(2009-2010) Saturn Square Venus
While Pluto was opposing Venus, Saturn was at the same time Squaring Venus, (This was one of the Transits to Transits we looked at earlier, of Saturn Squaring Pluto, so that means whatever Pluto was affecting in any chart, so too would Saturn). Saturn last made this same square to Venus in 1980-81, a time of a severe downturn in the US economy. With Venus ruling value, beauty and love, the United States was just not feeling very "lovable" in 2009-10! Our sense of our worth, of our value was diminished. Really, it was a time to reassess the whole question of where does our value as a nation come from, what do we have, what do we create, and how do we consume value? Certainly many, if not all of us, individually and as a whole, have had to reassess our values at this time.
Uranus Squares Venus (Apr. 18, Oct. 7, Feb. 28, 2012)
Well this is a whole New Year indeed! Excitement and stimulation is activating the planet of value this year. It is frothy, dare we say bubbly, and the last time Uranus made this pass, 1927-28, it was a heady time....but we were heading for a fall that few could imagine then. Will history repeat itself, no... Never! But we have to watch out; we must look back to see what challenges were encountered and opportunities missed, and realize we will face new challenges and opportunities that are appropriate to our moment in time.
Last time
The late 20's were a time of inventiveness and social experimentation. Boundaries were being broken, records were being set. Our imaginative boundaries were blown outward by the courage displayed, (and technology used), in "The Spirit of St. Louis", as Lindbergh connected the new and old worlds. There was an influence that was energizing new relationships both between one another, and in our nation's relationships with other nations. America was seen as the most "prosperous" of nations, we were the rising star in the world and the way ahead looked glorious. What we failed to see, what we failed to confront, was that the very nature of what we considered to be valuable, how we made and measured value, was in desperate need of transformation. The opportunity was there and was missed and so we fell back...
2011 The US and Venus/Uranus, Our value and purpose.
In 2011 we face a similar challenge and opportunity. The challenge with Venus and Uranus is met when we raise to a new level our experience of value in our relationships with one another, and with the world. The US has its Venus, (and Jupiter and Sun), in the 7th house, the house of relationship. Our values and self-worth (Venus), our principles, generosity and good fortune (Jupiter) and our very being and purpose (Sun), is revealed, realized and shared by the nature and quality of our relationships to one another and with the world.
A New Order
The founding fathers hinted at this, (and much more), when they put forth as the motto of our country, and which is inscribed on the Great Seal of The United States, "Novus Ordo Seclorum" which means "A New Order for the Centuries". They understood that what they were creating was something new, something heretofore unfamiliar because it represented a break with the past. Here, in this nation, we would come together and freely determine our relationships with one another. We would surrender all title and privileges, and stand as equals to one another and be subject to no King, or Prince, or Clan or Class, but to what we had all agreed upon as our compact with one another. This sacred compact is sealed and protected by the one and only true ruler in America, the Rule of Law, (which is why the US has Saturn (order), in Libra (scales of justice) in our 10th house (authority). In the United States, the law is King, no one is above the law.
Embodied in our "Law" are the values that we have so far evolved to in our conduct with one another. Those values are made into rules which we have agreed upon, so that we know how we are expected to conduct ourselves with regard to one another. In other words, we have established these laws as the crystallized form of values with and between one another.
But unlike some, who believe that those original laws, our first rules, the Constitution, to be a finished piece and not to be altered, most of us find that the story of human fulfillment is an unfolding one that is far from over. And, so, we must keep improving upon and adding to our values and our rules. The Founding Fathers knew this work was not finished or done with them. They sought to go beyond what had been, yet they could not reach or agree beyond a certain understanding. They struggled over issues and did not overcome some of their own challenges, and so left it to other generations to face the glaring injustices embodied in our first set of "rules". How could it be otherwise?
Our Challenge, Our Opportunity
In 2011 the challenge we face is to examine to what extent we are ready, willing and able to fulfill and incorporate the message of Uranus into Venus. Uranus in Aries is shaping our Venus in Cancer by challenging us to conduct ourselves at the next necessary level of individual fulfillment and social integration. There are always forces, (and distractions), pulling us apart and drawing us together.
Venus in Cancer speaks from the Truth that we must honor where we have come from; we must remain and find value in our common heritage and so secure and bind ourselves one to another. Uranus in Aries is challenging Venus as to exactly what constitutes "roots" or "heritage" or "security".
There is a constant tension between our nation's desire to return to a simpler time, to our root values (Venus), and the incessant force of spiritual (and technical) advancement driving us forward into new expressions of value (Uranus). The answer is to be found in honoring the spiritual essence of our roots, our common heritage and value that binds us one to another, (but not being bound to the mere letter or the law or form of that value), while at the same time integrating into those values a new understanding of the message of Uranus in Aries which honors, affirms and asserts the essential dignity of the individual within the group order, (without going so far in asserting "individualism" that we break our social contract with one another).
Of course, to many who have seen the abuses of power, and the manipulation of the law to serve the powerful and not defend the weakest of us, to many the hope that we can restore let alone move forward the dream of America and its essential value or worth seems distant at best. Just as in the late 1920's, we too now find ourselves at a moment in history where the greatest inequities exist in the distribution of the wealth in America, a value that we all have created with and through one another.
Nature, (and Spirit), move whatever ordered system from a state of imbalance to balance. It seems most systems have "mechanisms" integral to their nature that bring about a re-balancing eventually. In our social order we must find our way back to "normal" by being courageous enough to face what we have wrought and bring us back and forward to a better world, before the forces in and around us bring about a more painful, because "forced", adjustment.
Time to Act
We have a choice....but not for long. For there are more alignments happening in the world generally, (those Transits to Transits) and to our country specifically (Transits to Natal), that are to meet us this year and in the next many years to come. We have a destiny, but we must understand, decide and act as those brave men (and women) acted in their hour of decision in 1776.
First, we must face what is here before us now; there is more that we must understand about the forces bringing about the changes we will grow through in 2011. So let us turn our attention to the greatest of these in the next posting, the alignment of Pluto with Jupiter. Then we will look at some other lesser, though no less important, alignments for 2011.
TRANSITS TO NATAL - The Astrology of Nations and World Leaders - The United States- Part Five
Pluto Opposing Jupiter (Jan. 17, Jul. 8, Nov. 20)
In 2011 we face another, perhaps our greatest, challenge and opportunity, the Opposition of Pluto to our Jupiter. Jupiter rules the principles, beliefs and laws of a nation. Venus is the value "behind" the law, but Jupiter is the law itself as well as other embodiments of what we have discovered to be "True", as in Science, Philosophy and Religion. Jupiter also rules how we relate to one another and to the rest of the world. Essentially, Jupiter does this because it rules the beliefs we hold that determine our attitudes and actions towards one another and the world.
Pluto rules the power of transformation, of death and rebirth and the great struggle of powers with one another as they exercise their will. The opposition of Pluto to Jupiter signifies a great moment in our history when we must make absolutely clear, (the opposition should be the moment of revelation), what are the principles we understand, stand upon and project out among ourselves and into the world as a nation. To help us see how this might play out in 2011, let us look at Pluto's previous transits of our Jupiter.
Pluto's previous alignments to Jupiter
The previous alignments of Pluto with Jupiter may provide us with some insight as to what is being demanded of us now. The first transit of Pluto to Jupiter was a square that lasted from 1827 to 1829. During this period a fundamental shift in the character of the Nation was experienced as exemplified by the beginning of the era of Andrew Jackson, which heralded the end of the so-called "era of good feelings" and the re-emergence of partisan politics. This was in part the consequence of the empowerment of the general white/male population who now were given the right to vote directly for the electors for president. As a result, Jacksonian populism stoked the fires of the battle lines that had been forming between the wealthy financial, merchant and manufacturing interests as against the vast agrarian and laboring groups. An example of this, and one of Jackson's signature accomplishments, was to do away with the US central bank at that time, (sound familiar Mr. Bernanke?), as he stood for the "common man" against the wealthy special interests.
The next transit of Pluto to Jupiter was a conjunction from 1918 to 1920. President Woodrow Wilson's vision of what the world should be after the debacle of World War I fell on deaf ears, both at home in Congress, and with the world leaders who met at Versailles, France. American idealism, as embodied in Wilson's view of a new world order, the putting forth of our "truth" (Jupiter), was rejected by the old guard in Europe and at home. America retreated into itself and did not participate in the League of Nations, and, as a result, sowed, some would argue, the seeds for the next great World War.
Internally, the progressive movement's attempt to "reform" America led to the enactment of morality by fiat as embodied in the 18th Amendment, (Prohibition).This led to the most flagrant disregard of "law" since most Americans ultimately did not agree with that expression of social virtue (value). Yet, at the same time, the forces of progress finally achieved the enfranchisement of the "other" half of the US population with the passage of the 19th Amendment, (Women's right to vote).
The last transit of Pluto to Jupiter was a square from 1973-1974. As before, Pluto's transformational energies as well as its signature effect to bring about a great struggle of wills played out in various spheres of American life and with the World. Politically this was exemplified by Watergate and the fall from power of a president for the first time in our history. All three branches of government struggled with what had been unleashed by a "simple" break-in at the headquarters of the Democratic Party in Washington, DC. Socially, one of the most divisive issues to this day was enacted into law in a Supreme Court decision that protects, as a private decision, a woman's right to decide the question of abortion.
In international matters, seemingly, one could argue, as a some kind of karmic counterpoint to the attempt by the US to promote and push its vision at Versailles in 1918-20, the struggle in the Mid-East and the Arab-Israeli conflicts led to the Arab Oil embargo, as OPEC attempted to force America and other Western powers to yield to their point of view by choking off the life-blood of what drives the modern world economy.
2011 Pluto Opposition to Jupiter
So what is to be our opportunity and challenge this year? What are we faced with as a nation internally, and what is the nature of our cooperation or struggle with other willful members of the world of nations? It seems that at each alignment of Pluto with our Jupiter, we as a nation are challenged to relate to one another with or through a new understanding. Likewise, at each alignment there seems to be a similar demand to shift the manner in which we relate to the world around us.
Within our borders, the fundamental question of the balance of powers between the Federal government and the States, a question that has been put before us again and again, is certainly a key aspect of the struggle over our principles now. As Venus rules our values, Jupiter rules those values in operation, seen in our principles of conduct between one another which we have certified, agreed to and codified into the Law of the land.
Whereas the Pluto opposition to Venus raised this question in a personal manner in 2009-10, (the struggle over values was personalized in the crescendo of rhetoric that bordered on screaming "Fire" in a crowded theatre at times), Pluto opposing Jupiter will now move these same questions to the stage of an argument over principles, over "the truth", which will lead to a struggle over our rules of conduct, over the law itself. Certainly, one example of this struggle is the attempt to provide some form of universal medical coverage for all Americans, with the immediate reaction among a number of states to challenge and seek to void that Federal statute. This conflict will ultimately lead to a Supreme Court decision that will certainly please only part of the population.
Echoing the Jacksonian era, the calls to "reign in" or "do away" with the Federal Reserve Bank could shake the financial markets as new uncertainties are added to the economic order still recovering from the shock of 2008-09. Yet the Federal Reserve chart seems to indicate that it may have weathered that storm for now. This story seems more of convenient distraction to turn attention away from a bigger story.
Veiled behind the front of populist fervor, powerful corporations led by financial capital seek to turn back any attempt to impose any sensible regulation on "the market", whose fevered bubble bursting we have yet to recover from. The calls to bring to "Justice" (Jupiter) those who led us over the precipice have been met by the manipulation by the powerful (Pluto) as we are all made to feel guilty (Pluto) since, "well, didn't we all behave badly?"
Will the opposition of Pluto to Jupiter smash through the "smoke and mirrors" and reveal the depths of deceit by those who have been entrusted to preserve and protect our values; or will Pluto's power to veil the truth by those who can and will manipulate the system lead us from this last crisis into the next "big one" in the not too distant future? This is one of the questions that must be addressed as the United States struggles to balance Jupiter (Truth) and Pluto (Power). Truth is Power, but Power can corrupt the truth. Which will it be?
Challenges from abroad may bring some of our internal struggles into focus. Certainly, the power of the individual to challenge the larger order, (by digging into the secret depths (Pluto) of any system), by exposing "the Truth" (Jupiter), has played out this last year (and into this one) with the phenomenon known as Wikileaks. Although many of us have been made aware of the revelations about Iraq and Afghanistan policies that were contained in diplomatic and military documents, there are other revelations that have been promised that expose malfeasance or corruption in the economic centers of power. Perhaps this will not indirectly expose some players closer to home.
Whereas in 1918-20 the theatre for willful struggle played out between a rising America and the old world of European powers, and the 1973-74 battle of wills featured an America as a superpower facing its very real vulnerability over the control of oil, it would appear that the "test of wills and principles" in this period may feature an America that has stumbled wondering how it might hold its own against a new power asserting itself in the East. We have become a debtor nation whose "consumer" society depends upon the willingness of our provider of goods to keep extending us credit. We wish to promote our Truth (Jupiter), but there seems little Power (Pluto) behind it. To many it seems our time for "greatness" is past, and that we are in decline and that we do not understand how or why this has happened.
Our True Source of Strength and Value
To begin to understand, we must come back to the Natal or birth chart and remember that America's greatest strength, (with the two "benefics" of Astrology, Venus and Jupiter, Values and Principles, in the 7th house of relationship), is to be found in our great generosity of spirit towards one another and the rest of the world. Our strength, our real wealth, lies in our continuing contribution to the evolution of a greater spiritual understanding of the mystery and power of freely formed relationships with one another.
The dynamic, quickening nature of these voluntary relationships, the very special "free" associations that were observed by de Tocqueville in the 1830's in his "Democracy in America", have been a challenge for us throughout our history. We seek to find a way to balance the efforts to fulfill our selves as unique individuals, (to be "free"), while, at the same time, we must honor, support and sacrifice for one another in those very associations we have with each other. To some who may believe in a form of "absolute libertarianism", we must understand that you cannot be alone to do whatever you want and be free. Freedom is a social reality that is created through mutual understanding, tolerance and forgiveness; it is founded upon the knowledge that our true potentials are discovered, expressed and extended through our mutual support of one another.
Where two or more are gathered together, acknowledging their uniqueness, yet seeking through their association to develop one another in and through that relationship...there is Freedom. Not freedom "from" something, but Freedom "to" become what we will be. We are not human beings; we are truly human becomings. We can become what we will become because we agree to turn to one another and create the future...together.
Our Challenge Now
Pluto opposing Jupiter asks nothing less of us than to understand, truly understand and articulate, our shared root principles that we must now affirm and ask each of us to honor and fulfill. Pluto will force this as we experience the exercise (or mis-exercise) of power either within our country, or between us and another nation. This drama will play out as a confrontation of Will or Power (Pluto) with Truth or Principles (Jupiter). It will appear "out there", but the true struggle and hope for us all rests upon each and every one of us to do the work within ourselves.
What each of us must do is look within and find what values/principles bind us one to another; and seek, affirm and secure our foundations in one another. Do not be distracted by the noises outside; instead, listen to your inner voice, which will always guide you to the realization that you are never alone, and there is hope for a better world. That better world is founded upon our coming together and understanding that it is this illusion that we are separate from one another, whether within our nation or between our nation and the world, that has always been our self-limitation.
The greater Truth is that we are all one in Spirit; we are sparks of the divine seeking to understand ourselves and our companions in this great journey. As our founding fathers so eloquently inscribed upon the Seal of the United States, "E pluribus unum"... "Out of many One".
TRANSITS TO NATAL - The Astrology of Nations and World Leaders - Barack Obama- Part Six
Barack Obama
Another approach to understanding what has happened and what may happen to any organization is by examining the planetary alignments in the leadership. As I mentioned in Part 3 of the 2011 General Forecast, Mundane or Worldly Astrology will not only look to the conditions in a national chart or company chart, but will also look at the planetary indications in the charts of its leaders as well. This tradition is very ancient and astrologers at the courts of kings and emperors would follow the precept that "as the king's fortunes go, so goes the kingdom". So, for the United States at this time, what can we discern about its future from the indications in Barack Obama's chart?
It is not my intention here to analyze Barack Obama's chart except insofar as to point out the relevant features that are being activated by transits at this time. Perhaps, at a later date, we will come back and take a more thorough look at what his chart indicates for him (and us). The most important facts to note are that he is a Leo, with a Moon in Gemini and he has Aquarius rising.
Just as in the analysis of the USA chart, we cannot look ahead at 2011 without looking back to what the US President has just experienced, (and we, in a very real sense, experienced through him).
In 2010 there were, of course, many alignments in Barack Obama's chart, but what were the most significant? We do not want to minutely examine each configuration; we want to see what were the major themes invoked during the year. Moreover, we need to look at these major alignments with reference to what they indicate about his experience as the head of a nation and not in terms of his personal life or experience.
Pluto Inconjunct Obama's Moon (Jan. 2, Jul. 26, Oct. 31)
Pluto inconjunct the Moon will bring about a challenging experience for a leader as they seek to connect with, relate to and mirror the mood of their time. The moon rules "the public" or the people in mundane astrology and is reflective of public opinion and beliefs. The transit of Pluto would have created a kind of disconnect between the public and Obama. He would have experienced a sense that there were energies or forces in play (Pluto) that were making it hard for the people to connect with him, and he with them. Pluto would indicate that this was caused by a cathartic release of very deep energies from the collective unconscious, with particular emphasis on matters about power and control. The challenge for Obama would have been neither to "lose" control, nor become "over" controlling. Instead, the opportunity would have been to reestablish a healthy balance between his own will and self-control as he grappled with the forces being unleashed from the collective. At the same time Obama would have gained more insight into the attempt by elements in society to assert their control, (often through hidden means (Pluto) or subterfuge), as those elements attempted to sway the feelings (mood) of the public. The aspect would have demanded the utmost in intelligence, tolerance and humility as he dealt with often inchoate forces bubbling up from deep within the American psyche.
Neptune Conjunct Obama's Lunar South Node (Mar. 18, Aug. 20, Jan. 18, 2011)
Neptune passing over Obama's Lunar South Node might not seem to be such a significant transit to some. However, when we take into account the fact that it also the exact same position of the Moon in the chart of the United States, well then our attention should be riveted.
This alignment reveals that one of the signature transits for 2010-11 in the US chart (that I did not analyze in previous entries) was the Conjunction of Neptune to the Moon in the US chart. I did this because I thought it would be more interesting to see these two transit events together, (Neptune Conjunct US Moon, Neptune conjunct Obama's South Node), so as to better illustrate what it indicated for the US in 2010 on into the beginning of 2011.
US Moon
The Aquarian Moon in the US chart is very significant; especially since it is the planetary ruler of the Sun Sign (Cancer) and for the other planets in Cancer which are Mercury, Venus and Jupiter. This means that the Cancer energies of the US are tuned to an Aquarian sensibility.
The Moon represents the people of a nation's chart, so the defining feature of the American people and its mass consciousness will reflect Aquarian traits. The Aquarian temperament is one that endows that being with a tremendous need to be unique, independent and free; while at the same time creating an equally strong desire to be part of some association or group whose vision and ideals are directed towards bringing about a better world. The US Moon in Aquarius helps create the distinguishing feature at the founding of this country, that true friends (Aquarius) come together in fellowship to help support one another in the realization of one another's hopes, dreams and aspirations.
These ideals can either take the form of an Aquarian dream to go back to a "golden age" or seek to leap ahead to the next, (and that is why it is said that Aquarians are either 50 years behind or 50 years ahead of their time). They feel themselves to be special and apart, yet wish to bring about this vision of a better world; the paradox being that in the very unique contributions that they offer to the present time they end up reaffirming that they are, well, different.
It would certainly seem that among the many of the distinguishing features of the American people the one that stands out is their distinct sense of being special; whether it be the Pilgrims seeking to create a "New Jerusalem", or the Founding Fathers creating a "New Order for the Centuries", or the westward migration driven by the call of a "Manifest Destiny", or the feeling that it is "Morning in America again", time and time again there has been this sense that the place and purpose of America is special. That this was the nation that would "break" the bonds of the past and offer a place where anyone could become whatever they wanted to be; here is where a person could reinvent themselves and pursue their dreams.
Obama's South Node
The South Node in anyone's chart represents what many might call "karma". (Though, in a more exact understanding, one should call the whole chart one's karma). The South Node is what the soul brings in from many past lives, a mixture of the feelings, thoughts, actions and inactions gathered together now into this life. It represents the accumulation of one's habitual way of being, the path that is easiest to take.
The present life is founded upon this accumulated experience, but can also be limited by it. We need to draw upon our past patterns to help us now, but if we unconsciously do so and fail to fulfill our challenge to grow, then the South Node will indicate how the soul will hold itself back from its opportunities to develop spiritually now, a development that is indicated by their Dharma (as revealed by the North Node). The South Node should be a foundation for new growth in this life, as the North Node will indicate how the soul might best accomplish their development in this life.
Obama's Karma
Obama's South Node is in Aquarius and is placed in his First House. (Which means his North Node is in Leo in his 7th House). The Aquarian South Node predisposes him to have a default response to detach himself from his surroundings, to be aloof and cerebral, to be different. The capacity to be committed to social ideals and human advancement is very strong; his challenge is to understand the demands of right leadership, how to inspire others to believe in themselves by staying connected and not detaching. The placement in his First House indicates that his true path in life is to be involved in bringing his Aquarian past understanding of social consciousness into all of his relationships; Obama's life is to be a life devoted to others. The more he can "forget" himself and help others to believe in their dreams, then to that same extent will he realize the Dharmic Truth of Leo that a leader must sacrifice the ego in order to fulfill their true life's work.
Neptune Conjunct America's Moon & Neptune Conjunct Obama's Lunar South Node
With Neptune, the ruler of Pisces going over the Moon in the United States chart, we would expect heightened emotional sensitivities with greater displays of compassion by the public. But that could also be accompanied by maudlin sentimentalities, victimization and displays of (false) martyrdom within the mood of the times as well. The challenge for Obama with Neptune on his South Node was to stay passionately engaged as a leader while drawing upon his capacity to understand the challenge of this moment for America dispassionately. But with Neptune on his Karmic past, the question of whether he would fall back and withdraw into a detached state, or rise to the occasion and draw upon that past to inspire and lead, well that was Obama's karmic test in 2010.
Certainly a significant force that was driving the story to provide universal health care was this manifestation of compassion indicated with Neptune aligning with the US the Moon. But equally to be expected were the dramatic displays of feelings of victimization and cries denouncing this very same effort as socialism or communism. With Neptune crossing Obama's South Node at the very same time, he was influenced to tap into the karmic energies of his past and either retreat into detachment (he was certainly accused of that) or display inspired leadership (that seemed to be lacking).
Again with Neptune ruling the Oceans and Oil, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig blowout also occurred during the first passage of Neptune to the Moon and Obama's node. The response to this tragedy also seemed to lack the required depth of understanding and inspiration.
Yet the final passing of Neptune over the Moon and Obama's node brought the country together and elevated Obama into a leadership moment as he attempted to bind and heal a people horrified by the tragedy of violence in Tucson. Here we found the American people reeling from a senseless act that required a leader to provide context and meaning.
Saturn Square Obama's Venus (Nov.16, 2009, Mar. 15, 2010, Aug. 10)
Again we find a connection between Obama's chart and that of United States. Obama has his Venus at just under 2° of Cancer, while the United States has its Venus at just over 3° of Cancer. That means when one is experiencing a transit over Venus, the other will too. I mentioned this transit in an earlier posting on the Transits to the USA chart. With Venus ruling values and the appreciation of self-worth, the transit of Saturn to Obama's Venus was much the same as to the United States; they both were going through a period of not feeling worthy, valuable or appreciated. In short they were not "feeling the love" during this period. Perhaps this, in combination with the Neptune transit to his Node, accounted for the seeming deficit of leadership skills in the earlier part of the year.
Next we will turn to an examination of the major alignments in Obama's chart as regards the implications they have for the United States in 2011.
TRANSITS TO NATAL - The Astrology of Nations and World Leaders - Barack Obama- Part Seven
The overall picture for President Obama's astrological forecast for 2011 certainly seems to be more positive than that of 2010. The challenges are formidable, but the opportunities are real.
Pluto Trine Pluto (Feb. 22, May 26, Dec. 22, Sep. 8, 2012, Sep. 27, 2012)
Pluto was a great challenge to Obama in 2010, but what a difference a year makes. For 2011 and much of 2012 he will be under a most favorable trine of his Pluto by Pluto. And this at a time when the USA is undergoing the Pluto opposition to Jupiter could provide one of the means by which the US is able to make the most of that opposition.
Pluto rules the willpower, which is the true source of our ability to bring about self-change internally, and which also creates our ability to help bring about changes externally. While the US grapples with Pluto opposing its Jupiter, Obama will be able to harness his own will power, and by extension, the will power of the position his wields, the Presidency, to help bring about, what could be significant transformations in the socio-economic-political order within our nation, and externally with other nations. This is especially indicated by the fact that Obama's Pluto is in his 7th House of relationships, and the transiting Pluto is moving through his 11th House of social ideals.
What this might indicate is that Obama's ability to be a re-builder, re-newer, re-generator of our forms of relationship (Pluto in the 7th house), will play out and be seen in 11th house matters, which in a mundane analysis would be the nation's ideals and dreams about the future as well as the Legislative branch of government.
With a "divided" government, Obama as chief executive should be able to help bring about some concrete actions to address some of the problems the US is faced with now. With his Pluto in Virgo, and the transiting Pluto in Capricorn, we are talking about real, practical workable solutions. Each side will have to sacrifice part of its "agenda" and dogma to get things done. Our constitution, after all, is so arranged that cooperation and mutual agreement are integral to the political process, perhaps this year we will see it at work.
Pluto/Jupiter for the USA - Pluto/Pluto for Obama
With the USA at the same time experiencing the Pluto opposition Jupiter, Obama's transit of Pluto to Pluto takes on much greater significance. The USA is probably facing a great struggle over principles this year; the struggle is over our principles of relationship to one another internally and to other nations externally; it is those principles that end up being enshrined in our laws and our treaties. Obama's transit can provide a counterpoint to the dichotomy and struggle in the USA chart by the practical and responsible exercise of his leadership role. He can be a bridge between opposing factions and steer them toward some compromise over our rules of conduct with one another, as he also helps to bring about new policies in our international relationships.
Will he be able to keep the opposing sides working towards consensus and concrete action? Pluto would say yes. But to know that fully we must look to the other influences moving through his chart this year to see what else is in play on our stage of history.
Uranus Sextile Jupiter (Mar. 26, Nov. 17, Jan. 1, 2012)
Uranus Trine Mercury (Apr. 22, Oct. 1, Feb. 13, 2012)
Why are we seeing two transits listed together above? Because the planets that Uranus is transiting are in a relationship with one another in Obama's chart. Whenever one is being "lit up", so is the other. The relationship of Obama's Mercury to his Jupiter is an Opposition. An opposition is an aspect of awareness, a juxtaposition of two aspects of reality; the challenge is to find a way of integrating the two through synthesis. The failure would either to swing from one to the other, or to live out one and suppress and thereby project the other onto others.
Obama's Mercury
Obama's Mercury is in Leo in his 6th House; his Jupiter is in Aquarius in the 12th house. With his Mercury in Leo Obama seeks to express himself in such a manner so that he earns respect, appreciation and approval. But if taken too far, it would mean that he would speak for an audience, saying what they wish to hear so that they will approve him, and so in the end he would not be so true to himself. When he gets it right, Obama is certainly a potent orator; and, when he combines that Mercury with his Gemini Moon, his message can be conveyed in such a manner that ideas and feelings blend together so that the listeners are truly touched.
Obama's Jupiter
Jupiter in Aquarius leads him to seek to relate to the world less personally, more in terms of group ideals and social consciousness, more dealing with broad social issues and concerns, than the individual story. The principles he seeks to relate through are humanitarian and universal, with an understanding that the bedrock of our democracy is founded upon tolerance and social justice. But if taken too far, it could create a feeling of aloofness and detachment from the public; it would make him seem that he is not as able to connect to others in a more personal way.
In a way, Obama may fear that if he truly speaks "his mind" that he might lose some of his relationships to the American people or to other nations; yet, if he tries to just preserve the relationships, he will end up not being able to say much at all, (he will not be able to lead), or he will end up saying what he knows to be untrue.
Obama's Opportunity
The gift of this double transit, of Uranus to his Jupiter and Uranus to his Mercury, is that it potentially bridges this dilemma and provides a path of synthesis. He should be able to maintain his commitment to principles from which he derives his purpose to represent American Ideals, while articulating the message about them in such a way that provides a bridge of understanding and consensus for a broad spectrum of the American people and other nations. Uranus is the planet of invention, of thinking outside of the box, (or not even seeing the universe as being "boxed up"!), and its alignment with Mercury and Jupiter can help Obama to demonstrate that the solution to our "problems" requires that we give up some of our old assumptions (Jupiter/beliefs) and so create new ideas and solutions (Mercury/intelligence).
It would appear that Obama has an opportunity to begin to transform what is at the root of our political stasis; that we just don't listen, understand or cooperate with one another. It would seem that Obama might be able to make things work out, right? Well, of course, there are other factors at play; and one of the big ones is the "wild card" in this very alignment we have just been examining.
Here again, as with last year, the alignment of Uranus to Venus in the US chart is also occurring in Obama's chart. The very planet that could be a bridge between Principles and Solutions, (Uranus to Mercury and Jupiter) is also forming a square to his Venus. So, what does this indicate on its own merits? And how will this affect his ability to wield his will (Pluto), honor our principles (Jupiter) and articulate intelligent solutions (Mercury)?
Uranus Square Venus (Apr. 12, Oct. 16, Jan. 31, 2012)
Obama has his Venus in Cancer at just under 2° of Cancer; the United States has its Venus at just over 3° of Cancer. Just as in 2010, when Saturn passed over Venus for both, so too this year Uranus will transit their Venus' together. The Saturn transit was difficult since it created a feeling of a lack of self-worth, a lack of value which results in all sorts of problems for relationships. But in the end it serves to clarify what is more valuable within and around us. Uranus is a very different energy, creating a different kind of challenge and opportunity for the US and Obama.
Just as the Uranus transit to the US Venus calls for a new understanding and expression of American values, so too does this mean that this transit to Obama's Venus calls upon him to fulfill his role as a leader whose purpose is to articulate those challenges and opportunities we face now.
Uranus Shocks
Uranus is not gentle, especially when it is forming, as it is here, a "hard" aspect; it opens up new pathways and possibilities through shocks, surprises and upsets. Oftentimes its initial effect can appear as a loss, it requires a sacrifice, but its true purpose is to break up the old forms of value, (to release the spirit of value from a more limited form of being), so that spirit/life may create new forms of value which are to be experienced, (in this case, most importantly, in our relationships to one another and to other nations, the 7th House).
The challenge of Uranus is met by being open and welcoming of change; Uranus serves to break up old patterns that have stifled the flow of spirit and thereby create conditions for a new order. The danger is that the upset or challenge will be experienced as something to fear; reaction sets in that actually brings about more painful shocks and adjustments that could have been more manageable had the energy been allowed to do its work. The opportunity of working with Uranus is that by being open to new forms and expressions of value, the person or entity can keep unfolding their spiritual potential.
Spiritual Law
Spirit must take on form; it must limit itself and become some "thing" in order to be anything on the earth plane. But that form is limited and will eventually lose its meaning, its relevance....its beauty. So, the form must be transcended so that Spirit can reincarnate into a new form of expression. This process is one of the most fundamental spiritual laws that govern our universe.
We do and must try to protect, preserve and pass down these forms of value as long as we can. However, whether in great forms of art, or beautiful forms of human interrelationship, even in our personal values, principles and laws, at some point the particular form must be transcended; spirit must be free to form anew. One of the principle agents of such release and reformation is Uranus.
Uranus and our Challenge
The challenge of Uranus in Aries to Venus in Cancer is to re-define how we find or create security in our lives, all the while our world is in the midst of great changes, (Even greater than we might at first imagine. I will come back again to this theme of the epic changes ahead, but just know that we have not faced changes as great as this for over 200 years).
If we stay attached to the existing forms because we are afraid, we will suffer. If we re-affirm the spirit that created those forms, we can find a way to renew our sense value at the center of our lives, and so forge a new base of security to stand upon. When the form is breaking apart, we must get back to the spirit behind the form; we need to go back to root energies and so restore and re-affirm our spiritual truth in renewed forms.
Uranus is challenging and breaking up the old forms of Venus in Cancer. Venus is the planet that binds us to one another through our shared values, whose purest and truest expression is found in our love for one another. In any society and culture, what binds us to one another as a people is what we create with one another and share with one another. In any system, there are energies holding it together and forces pulling it apart. What holds us together is our love for what we share in as a people.
Venus and America
With Venus in Cancer, Americans come together in our love of the individual, and the sacredness and dignity that forms our driving spirit of self-determination. Our myth is the story of the journey of the individual to discover and connect to their root energies, to be centered upon one's true self, and so be empowered to go forth and fulfill his or her destiny. The spirit of rugged individualism has been given form in our idyllic imagery of "the pioneer", of "the inventor", of the "person of conscience", which is grounded in our fundamental belief that one person can (and does) make a difference. These and many other images are at the core of every American's belief in the essential worth of the individual.
Yet, at the same time, with our Moon in Aquarius (and so the ruler of our Venus), we have had to acknowledge that an individual cannot find themselves, they cannot be fulfilled, they cannot be "free" to do whatever they wish, because an individual cannot have a life of meaning and purpose without significant associations with other individuals. Here, in America, we came together, as our founders stated in the Declaration of Independence, and freely chose to create a new society and in order to do so "... we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor."
Venus, Relationship and Our Sacrifice
We are formed in and find our meanings through what we share with one another. We are not so different from one another, really. Our needs and wants find expression in certain forms because of the culture and sub-cultures we find ourselves in. The development of our "unique" self is only possible because of our well-matched capacity to sacrifice for one another. This is the core of the American experience of value: that to be oneself and be free is founded upon a love of one another, that we pledge our allegiance to one another, and so we are willing to sacrifice for one another.
The word sacrifice means literally "to make sacred". Sacrifice is the key to love and self-fulfillment. We make an offering; we give up something in order to achieve something. We seek to become better than we were before. To support one another in our own individual struggle to become what we wish to become, we must come together and sacrifice to one another. We affirm our individual worth in our union which is based upon our shared values. We affirm, strengthen and expand these core values as we give up our attachment to lesser things.
Uranus and Our Sacrifice Now
This has always been the challenge of a creating a "free" society. To fulfill ourselves we must sacrifice for one another. Uranus Squaring our Venus (and Obama's) is reminding us that we must face our challenges now in a spirit of mutual understanding; and that requires the sacrifice of our lesser allegiances and our lesser values. We need to be reminded, reaffirm and make a real sacrifice for our core values that have bound us, formed us and guided us. We need to restate our understanding of these core values so that we are clear as to what it is that we stand upon with one another.
We need leaders who articulate the truth that every one of us must sacrifice if we are to meet the challenges that lie ahead. For Obama, for the leaders in Congress, for the leaders in the many agencies and institutions of our government, for business and community leaders, and for each and every one of us who seek to understand, inspire and guide us through this time, we all must free ourselves from our old reactive valuations and refresh our experience of what is of most value between us.
Obama's Sacrifice
Obama's challenge and opportunity is to be the leader who sets the example of what we need to become now. He will have to show his willingness to sacrifice some of his values in order to display courage and leadership. He must call each of us to those sacrifices that will lead to a "new world".
As it has been said before, "Beaten paths are for beaten men". We need pathfinders now, we need leaders who have courage and challenge us to rise above our differences and sacrifice for one another... because we are one another. Uranus to Venus says renew your love for one another, because you will need one another if you are to meet the challenge of your destiny.
The forces that are lining up in the next several years rival those at our founding over 200 years ago. We are at the end of age (which also means we are at the dawn of a new age). We must allow ourselves to be filled with the spirit of understanding, to be inspired now to choose to turn to one another, again, and pledge "our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor".