The analysis of a Natal or Birth Chart is familiar to many of us. An astrologer will delineate the character, opportunities, challenges and life potentials of their client. The astrologer will also use the technique we are about to use, Transits to Transits, as one major way of explaining to their client, what they have experienced, what is before them now, and what is likely to be encountered in the future.
What Chart?
With an individual the determination of what constitutes the chart is fairly simple; the chart is calculated for the moment the individual achieved "independent" existence, the first breath. But what are we to do with a nation? Or when does a company begin? And what happens when there are changes such as major shakeup in government or rulership? Or when a company merges or breaks apart? What is a mundane astrologer to do? Well, it is not easy, and there are no easy answers.
Take for instance the United States. Most of us would assume that the chart must be July 4, 1776. Okay, but what time of day, morning, midday, afternoon or evening? Well there are many different times that have been put forth and analyzed by astrologers. But some historians, and astrologers, argue for July 2 when the vote for independence was made by the Continental Congress. Some argue for the so-called Declaration of War that was passed in a resolution on July 6, 1775. Or some would date it from when "hostilities" broke out at the Battle of Lexington on April 19, 1775. Some will look back to the landing of the pilgrims in December 1620!
However the accepted and celebrated "birthday" for the US is July 4, 1776. What time did it happen? There is evidence in written records, memoirs and oral traditions for early morning, mid-morning, early afternoon, late afternoon and evening too...So what is an astrologer to do?
Well, we take a chart and then compare what has happened in history with what the chart would indicate for those events. We try and find what seems like a good or best match and work with that. Over time a chart seems to work and feel right...but it is far from a settled issue.
Charts and Charts...
Once we have a birth chart for a nation we analyze it and other charts to see how it and these other charts predict the developments and challenges of that society. What other kinds of charts? We look at the charts of leaders such as presidents or prime ministers, kings or queens, to see what the indications are for their leadership for that society in that period. Not only do we look at the individual's chart, but we also cast a chart for when they assume or take their oath of office. So, in the case of the US now, we not only look at the chart for the US, we also look at Barack Obama's chart as well as a chart for when he was sworn in. We examine Harry Reid's chart, and we looked at Nancy Pelosi, to see how the House of Representatives might fair, but now turn our attention to John Boehner, all in order to see how the dynamics play out in our political system.
We also look at other institutional charts. Again, with the US as an example, we will look at the chart let's say of the Federal Reserve. Well, how do we know what is its birth date? Well, we do, the Federal Reserve came into existence at a specific moment by law, and that becomes its birth chart.
Then there are other charts that become significant in understanding the larger world such as in the charts of businesses or corporations. Well, when do they begin? Again, it depends. Sometimes we use a chart for when an enterprise first opened for business. Oftentimes there are dates (sometimes with state seals and times!) of incorporation. Many astrologers will use, if available, the chart of when a company first began trading on a stock exchange. Any and all of these can prove useful and accurate.
And, just as in the political world, astrologers will examine the birth charts of economic and business leaders to see what else we might discern about the various enterprises they are entrusted with.
We will look at other individuals and organizations too, such as notable persons in the arts, science, education, medicine, or to important organizations like the UN or World Bank, or maybe the European Union or the Euro, these and many others are examined by Mundane Astrologers.
But what happens when a nation changes significantly, from one form of government to another? Or a company merges or splits up. Well, we try and make use of whatever documentation there is and create a new chart for that entity. For example, though there has been a chart for Tunisia that we have employed to understand what is happening there now, that chart may certainly be superseded by a new form of government and constitution, and a new chart.
Oftentimes we might have several different charts we are looking at for the same nation or organization. The measure of a chart is taken by the accuracy with which it explains the past and present circumstances. Then there is some degree of confidence of what we can expect in the future.
The March of History
But events, individuals and organizations are in a constant state of change, so we must be alert and mindful of that and not become complacent. Astrology is first and foremost a study of cycles. Each birth chart represents a moment in time, and time is marching on. And so must we....So let's begin to take a look at what we might discover from the analysis of Transits to Natal, the transits to the birth charts of some notable nations and individuals in the coming year. And during the year, we will take a look again at these and other actors on the stage of history. First up, let us examine the United States of America.
I was lucky to find your site. I don't have much to add to the conversation, but I'm right there with you. Your post said exactly what I have been thinking. Good to see you posting again.
Posted by: interior photo | 02/17/2011 at 03:02 PM
Thank you
Posted by: Bill Attride | 02/18/2011 at 12:28 PM