Now it "begins"... this is the real start for 2011. A New Moon and a Solar Eclipse! Wow! And yet, at the very moment of the beginning, we are reminded that we cannot go forward without taking care of what has come before...
Each New Moon presents us with the theme for the next month. So, the Capricorn New Moon means our focus this month should be upon the word of Capricorn....Responsibility. The word is derived from Respondere, "to undertake in return, to perform one's part in a solemn engagement...and to be responsivus or answering."
The revelation of the true meaning behind a word provides a greater understanding of our culture and consciousness. We can turn this word around and see that responsibility means literally our "ability to respond", our "ability to answer". Responsibility is the call we must answer to perform our rightful part in the life of our society; our fulfillment is simply to perform our duty.
Our duty, our responsibility is to fulfill ourselves, to be what we were meant to be. This is the Capricorn moment, to reach the apex of our potential and so fulfill ourselves in the manner that is made available and deemed worthy by our culture. But what is our duty, what is at the core of our fulfillment, what is it that we are being responsible for?
We are humans and we have needs which we can and must fulfill with and through one another. We are not alone; we are social beings and to be responsible means that we must be able to respond to the needs of those around us, those we are responsible for. That is our duty; and that is our true path to fulfillment.
We stand in a great chain of creation, each generation tasked with the care of those that follow, as those who came before cared for us. We are guided by precedent, we honor our traditions and we preserve and pass down what has been achieved thus far. This is the message of this month, this New Moon of Capricorn.
But this New Moon is a Solar Eclipse, the Earth, Sun and Moon are aligned again and a shadow races across the face of the Earth this time. The Past (Moon) is blotting out the Future (Sun) so that we on Earth (Present) feel more strongly the burdens of our past. We have some unfinished business to attend to. A New Moon represents a fresh start, a new beginning, but the eclipse is saying you need to finish what you have left undone. You cannot "see" your Future (Sun), if you let the Past (Moon) get in the way.
So each of us, and all of us collectively, need to look within and take some time to see what we have left undone, where we have not been responsible to ourselves or to another....and fix this before we can go forward.
Sometimes you have to take a step back before you can take the next step forward, the next step in the fulfillment of your destiny.
Bill, Happy New Year to you and Isabelle!
It's been too long. I'd love to catch up and have a reading as well!!!!
Posted by: Richard von Ernst | 01/03/2011 at 09:11 PM
Dear Richard, Happy New Year to you too...Just drop me a line at [email protected], or call and we'll catch up and set you up....
Warm regards,
Posted by: Bill Attride | 01/04/2011 at 10:21 AM
Thank you Bill, I apprecite your insightful perspective that also feels spiritual, and of course, helpful. I am looking forward to a reading with you and Michael. Carolyn
Posted by: Carolyn McIntyre | 01/08/2011 at 02:07 PM