The Aquarius Full Moon juxtaposes the energies of Aquarius from the Sun that are reflected in Leo by the Moon. The alignment poses this issue: how do you reconcile your need to be independent and free, with your need to be respected and appreciated? If you over-emphasize how free or different you are, then your life becomes meaningful only to you; but if you too much follow the dictates of what brings approval from others, then you end up being untrue to yourself.
When faced with an opposition and a choice, your challenge is really NOT to choose but to take the path of synthesis. The answer here is to honor and express your true, unique self while you enjoy the companionship of those who respect you for that. The noble, spiritual path is always the "middle road" of integration.
The Venus/Saturn alignment lays down a challenge and choice about your self-worth, values, and love. Venus Square Saturn reminds you that it is time again to re-examine your self-worth in order to understand a choice you must make about values.
In order to have a proper relationship with anything or anyone, you must have a way to consider what that relationship is worth to you. By re-assessing your values, by discerning what is of meaningful value within yourself, or what you find worthy, by doing that you are able to correctly assess what value there is for you in that relationship.
So, although it might appear as if you are facing a choice and challenge in your financial life, or in your relationship life, the real challenge is to be found within: do you understand your worth, do you value yourself truly? Do you love yourself unconditionally?
To the extent that you do, to that same extent you have the means to form meaningful relationships with the life around you. The challenge now is to re-examine your self-worth, values and love of self by facing squarely within yourself what is right and true and should be re-affirmed, and what might need to be questioned or eliminated.
The content of the challenge this time is between Venus in Capricorn facing the challenge posed by Saturn in Libra. Venus is speaking from the voice of tradition, of time tested values and the practicality of maintaining the status quo. But Saturn in Libra is reminding Venus that just because something has lasted, or has "status", or "works", does not make it true, worthy or loving. Saturn in Libra asserts the principle that a truly loving relationship is based upon a mutual understanding, a dynamic equilibrium and balancing of shared values, and a fundamental sense of fairness that is founded upon an open, conscious agreement.
Look within so as to challenge and question your assumptions of what makes you worthy, and by doing that you can eliminate those "false" values which lead to less self-love. Look outward and examine your relationships, in the light of this re-affirmed love of self, and make certain that you do your part to make those relationships worthy and loving too.