This is the same alignment that I mentioned in the overview for 2011. And, it is the same aspect that is happening in Obama's chart too. It very much concerns the debate we are having as a Nation and people as to the question of what values we stand for. This is what I wrote on January 23, 2011:
Uranus Squares Venus (Apr. 18, Oct. 7, Feb. 28, 2012)
Well this is a whole New Year indeed! Excitement and stimulation is activating the planet of value this year. It is frothy, dare we say bubbly, and the last time Uranus made this pass, 1927-28, it was a heady time....but we were heading for a fall that few could imagine then. Will history repeat itself, no... Never! But we have to watch out; we must look back to see what challenges were encountered and opportunities missed, and realize we will face new challenges and opportunities that are appropriate to our moment in time.
Last time
The late 20's were a time of inventiveness and social experimentation. Boundaries were being broken, records were being set. Our imaginative boundaries were blown outward by the courage displayed, (and technology used), in "The Spirit of St. Louis", as Lindbergh connected the new and old worlds. There was an influence that was energizing new relationships both between one another, and in our nation's relationships with other nations. America was seen as the most "prosperous" of nations, we were the rising star in the world and the way ahead looked glorious. What we failed to see, what we failed to confront, was that the very nature of what we considered to be valuable, how we made and measured value, was in desperate need of transformation. The opportunity was there and was missed and so we fell back...
2011 The US and Venus/Uranus, Our value and purpose.
In 2011 we face a similar challenge and opportunity. The challenge with Venus and Uranus is met when we raise to a new level our experience of value in our relationships with one another, and with the world. The US has its Venus, (and Jupiter and Sun), in the 7th house, the house of relationship. Our values and self-worth (Venus), our principles, generosity and good fortune (Jupiter) and our very being and purpose (Sun), is revealed, realized and shared by the nature and quality of our relationships to one another and with the world.
A New Order
The founding fathers hinted at this, (and much more), when they put forth as the motto of our country, and which is inscribed on the Great Seal of The United States, "Novus Ordo Seclorum" which means "A New Order for the Centuries". They understood that what they were creating was something new, something heretofore unfamiliar because it represented a break with the past. Here, in this nation, we would come together and freely determine our relationships with one another. We would surrender all title and privileges, and stand as equals to one another and be subject to no King, or Prince, or Clan or Class, but to what we had all agreed upon as our compact with one another. This sacred compact is sealed and protected by the one and only true ruler in America, the Rule of Law, (which is why the US has Saturn (order), in Libra (scales of justice) in our 10th house (authority). In the United States, the law is King, no one is above the law.
Embodied in our "Law" are the values that we have so far evolved to in our conduct with one another. Those values are made into rules which we have agreed upon, so that we know how we are expected to conduct ourselves with regard to one another. In other words, we have established these laws as the crystallized form of values with and between one another.
But unlike some, who believe that those original laws, our first rules, the Constitution, to be a finished piece and not to be altered, most of us find that the story of human fulfillment is an unfolding one that is far from over. And, so, we must keep improving upon and adding to our values and our rules. The Founding Fathers knew this work was not finished or done with them. They sought to go beyond what had been, yet they could not reach or agree beyond a certain understanding. They struggled over issues and did not overcome some of their own challenges, and so left it to other generations to face the glaring injustices embodied in our first set of "rules". How could it be otherwise?
Our Challenge, Our Opportunity
In 2011 the challenge we face is to examine to what extent we are ready, willing and able to fulfill and incorporate the message of Uranus into Venus. Uranus in Aries is shaping our Venus in Cancer by challenging us to conduct ourselves at the next necessary level of individual fulfillment and social integration. There are always forces, (and distractions), pulling us apart and drawing us together.
Venus in Cancer speaks from the Truth that we must honor where we have come from; we must remain and find value in our common heritage and so secure and bind ourselves one to another. Uranus in Aries is challenging Venus as to exactly what constitutes "roots" or "heritage" or "security".
There is a constant tension between our nation's desire to return to a simpler time, to our root values (Venus), and the incessant force of spiritual (and technical) advancement driving us forward into new expressions of value (Uranus). The answer is to be found in honoring the spiritual essence of our roots, our common heritage and value that binds us one to another, (but not being bound to the mere letter or the law or form of that value), while at the same time integrating into those values a new understanding of the message of Uranus in Aries which honors, affirms and asserts the essential dignity of the individual within the group order, (without going so far in asserting "individualism" that we break our social contract with one another).
Of course, to many who have seen the abuses of power, and the manipulation of the law to serve the powerful and not defend the weakest of us, to many the hope that we can restore let alone move forward the dream of America and its essential value or worth seems distant at best. Just as in the late 1920's, we too now find ourselves at a moment in history where the greatest inequities exist in the distribution of the wealth in America, a value that we all have created with and through one another.
Nature, (and Spirit), move whatever ordered system from a state of imbalance to balance. It seems most systems have "mechanisms" integral to their nature that bring about a re-balancing eventually. In our social order we must find our way back to "normal" by being courageous enough to face what we have wrought and bring us back and forward to a better world, before the forces in and around us bring about a more painful, because "forced", adjustment.
Time to Act
We have a choice....but not for long. For there are more alignments happening in the world generally, (those Transits to Transits) and to our country specifically (Transits to Natal), that are to meet us this year and in the next many years to come. We have a destiny, but we must understand, decide and act as those brave men (and women) acted in their hour of decision in 1776.
First, we must face what is here before us now; there is more that we must understand about the forces bringing about the changes we will grow through in 2011. So let us turn our attention to the greatest of these in the next posting, the alignment of Pluto with Jupiter. Then we will look at some other lesser, though no less important, alignments for 2011.
Part Five