Now it is Hermes turn to dance in those mirrored Halls of Wonder...Neptune's Magical Mystery tour is coming to your mind...There is going to be some misperception, and some misunderstanding here...but that is only the sideshow, because this is really for you, it is a gift, an opportunity to grow beyond the boundaries that kept you from the greater truth that is always around that next spiral turn...
Mercury is winding down his diving-deeper, his journey through Scorpio is almost done, and he's closing in but not quite catching Venus before he pivots 'round in November. Your mind has been probing further, to peel back layers of assumption, following a hunch, a feeling to go beyond the ordinary, beyond those merely surface appearances and so reach that underworld, that hidden realm which reveals the deeper reality behind the screen of your day to day. You may have found something greater, had your "Eureka!" moment...
But Neptune adds her Mystical Touch now...And you will find that there is a need to pause and reconsider what you have discovered, and you may feel, yes there is something going on here, an altered state, a shifting of the have a touch of doubt, a greater uncertainty...oh yes, there is even confusion in the air.
And, of course, that is exactly what you need, to question, to throw a different light upon the discoveries before you...for this is the way it has always been done, "The Work" that is the making of your Greater Awareness. You move from level to level, to an ever closer comprehension of what "That" is...and you do it by means of this mystic spiral dance of Consciousness, that part of you who is forever seeking to encompass the reality within and without.
"Certainty" sure has a nice ring to it, yes it sounds nice, it is reassuring and a seeming comfortable place to be...but it is greatly over-rated and really unable to hold. Because you are spirit on a quest; your journey is a continuous, unfolding and never-ending expansion of consciousness and there is nothing for it but to keep moving on, into the greater mystery.
You cycle into a new state of awareness, a new understanding, and you set yourself down into your new certainty...and it holds for a time. But a different light is cast, Neptune helps by shifting the shadow-plays, and doubt is born. You move from certainty to questioning...and so you look again, you make adjustments...and all seems well again for a time.
But eventually, and this is good, the adjustments are not enough the shifting shadows are too great, and questioning leads to greater doubts, which leads to deeper confusion...and, finally, the release from the old is found in your Disillusionment. That is precisely what is needed of you, to become freer, to be dis-illusioned and so "lose" your illusions!
This is the necessary path you must walk, into this darkness (for a time)...for it is this mystery, it is this passage that must be made to release the seeds of your new understanding, a re-alignment of your mind...To the "Ah Hah!" of your next Illumination...
Now you take that next spiral turn in your journey from an unself-conscious spark of the divine...
You move that much closer to becoming...the becoming.