Are you ready? Are you ready to go deeper?
It's time again to dive deeply into those spaces below, down into the ancient catacombs of your values. Venus, like Persephone, is going on her journey within. Pluto, as Hades, is taking her on this renewal journey, to refresh and restore your experience of beauty, meaning and love.
Venus rules your values which are formed by, founded upon and express your value of yourself, your self-worth. Most profoundly, yet simply put, this is really a reflection of your experience of love, your love of self...which is really your essential experience of being one of the ones of the One.
Pluto rules your will-power which forms, maintains and protects all of your sacred spaces. It is through the power of Pluto that you can form the boundaries between yourself and any other and most importantly form that essential sacred space, the sacred space you call yourself.
Venus aligned with Pluto creates the opportunity to more deeply understand the mystery and joy, the challenge and reward, of experiencing your love for one another, a love which is formed in and bounded by your union, by creating that shared sacred space, the sacred space of "we".
The depth of that shared love and the greatness of that shared space is set by you and the is determined, formed and made possible by what you each individually bring from the unfoldment of self-love and the integrity of your own sacred space. The more you have come to love yourself truly and unconditionally, and the more you have come to center yourself in your own sacred space...well, then to that same extent can you love and create that sacred space of "we" with one another.
Today Venus and Pluto take you deeper, into the foundations of your love and sacred space. You need to reexamine what you possess within so that you may better share it. You need to understand how you create your boundaries so that you may better transcend them.
Then you can move out again, into that vulnerable but necessary space between you and you, where one heart meets another. You can, having found a greater love within and stronger will to create, you can move into the sacred space of co-creation with all the other ones of the One.
You can come together, you can move closer to home...and it is good.