A reader wrote back with a very simple yet profound request:
Please explain the statement:
Conversely, to the extent that you remain ignorant of your true self (and thereby of your world too), to that same extent will your life be "fated"; life will happen to you and your free will equally diminished.
I thought it would be useful to share my response:
This comes from the core teaching that we are all subject to the law of cause and effects, known generally as the Law of Karma. When we are unaware or more ignorant of ourselves and our world it will seem as if things "just happen" to us, with no explanation as to where this good or bad experience came from. If we consider it at all we may just think of it as good or bad luck or believe in "gods" who play with us mortals by helping and hurting us.
As we become more aware of our true nature and our central role in creating the world around us we can take more responsibility for our life and the world that we create. Because the truth is: every thought we think, every feeling we feel, and every action that we take goes out from us AND ultimately returns to us its author...As we become more aware of this we can begin to see that we have control over what will happen to us by beginning to exercise more self-control. We can choose to control our thinking so as to reduce or minimize fearful or bad thoughts, feelings and actions so that over time our lives will improve...as will the lives of those around us.
The good news is that you and I and all of us made the world as it is...and that means we can also change it!
If enough people begin to believe, think, feel and act in better ways then the conditions for our world will dramatically change for the better.
I have mentioned this core element of the Ancient Teachings in earlier postings, but it is always good to be reminded of it.