Today, your Infinite Potential resides within your Perfect Space, your Spark of the Divine embodied by your Loving Will...Poised and balanced, you move to create a more perfect world within and without...
It is said, "Where there's a will, there's a way"...Or, better, as it is passed down from "mouth to ear" through the Ancient Teachings, "Through your Will you will make your Way"...
The Sun represents your Center, the source of your ever-unfolding potential waiting to be realized and so released by you in your journey from unself-conscious spark of the Divine to fully awakened Co-Creator of this Cosmos. To bring out this potential requires the ever-unfolding creation of a Sacred Space to hold the wonder that is you.
Pluto, the Lord of Will and Boundaries, is the final arbiter in this system for this unfoldment of your potential...For although that potential is truly boundless it must take place within and so unfold (as it develops, expands and transforms) in your Sacred Space.
Of course your space is Sacred, but so are all of the "spaces of Space" around you...because all of Space, which is a Fullness not an emptiness, a true Pleroma, is equally Ensouled by a magnificent host of Shining Ones, a multitude of ever-unfolding conscious beings, who, like you, are ever striving to move toward their Greater Understanding too.
That is why one of the greatest precepts or Laws of this Cosmos is the inviolability of these infinite Sacred Spaces within which each and every spark of the Divine resides. As it is said in many ways, in all lands and in all ancient teachings, "Thou shall not Trespass"...
You as a spark of the Divine, a being endowed with a Will to Become, must ever strive to create your world within a space that is sacred and secure...but you must do this as you equally relate to the spaces around you with reverence and love...for what surrounds you are the sacred spaces of your fellow sparks of the Divine.
Today is a day that you are reminded that your Spark of the Divine, the Monad or core of you, and your Divine Will, that which is ever at work to define your sacred space, find their most perfect expression when you understand the precept that the only control you need or are indeed permitted to express is Self-Control....all else is folly, dangerous and leads to darkness.
Today you celebrate, because your ever-expanding, luminous creation is one of the countless songs that fill the spaces of Space with the Light Divine.
Today your will, in an ever growing alignment with the Divine Will, preserves, protects and expands your sacred space of self-realization in a more conscious harmony with the sacred Space that surrounds you.
Today you find your Path in that most Ancient Invocation to be ever observed as you wing your Way to the Greater Understanding, that forever and always...
"Let Thy Will be Done"!