Look how far you have come...
Ten Moons ago, you began the Astrological Year with a bracing release of renewed spiritual inspiration. And through every sign, in every month luminous Luna weaves her web around your Earth, she swings in and out, she rides high and low, and all the while she is your interlocutor, your divine mediator, stepping down and dispensing the energies that are winging their way to you from the Starry realms above.
She's out there today, between you and the universe, with Earth between her and the great Lord Sun. Twelve times a year she reaches this farther space and fills the night sky with her fully illumined face, smiling upon you, bestowing her blessings and messages for one and all.
Today is special for her as the Sun has begun his Northward journey...he has turned the corner having crossed one of the four sacred points, the Winter Solstice in Capricorn. Which means today Luna is swinging through her very own realm, she is in the Summer Solstice Sign of Cancer, and has much to share with you, to help you feel what informs the very core of you.
For as much as Capricorn will and must bend your attentions at this time of year upon those profound considerations, your destiny, dreams and goals, it is most certainly true that none of these would be possible if your foundations were not secure. If you were not guided from within, by what makes you feel whole, complete and connected to what is most true to you, there would be no way to know what path and duty you should cleave to whatsoever.
At this Full Moon Luna reminds you that it if you wish to know where you should go, to understand what you might become, to truly see your "Destiny", you must not be distracted or become enamored by all those outward things, those baubles of your culture as measured in status and standing, of wealth, fame or even renown. You need instead to turn around, to look within through Luna's light, look into your heart of hearts, feel the abiding welcoming warmth within, your self-illumined guiding star, which will ever burn and brightly light your path, in this life, and life after life.
For this core of you is what makes your heart sing, it lifts your soul by helping you to feel the whole of you, and your connection to one and all, leading you to the intimations of what are for you as yet unimagined heights. Yes, this is the only passage, this the only way to find your calling "out there". You will only find the illumined way through the fraught-filled passageways of duty and destiny, of success (and failure too), you will only make it by never letting go of what is always here, who is ever walking by your side. For always there is to be found your ever faithful guide and friend, who is known by many names, but is quite simply experienced as the quiet, steady reassuring voice and feeling of conscience and love...it is your higher self, who ever illumines the very essence and purpose that forms the spiritual heart of you.
This is Luna's message now...she shows you that you must look within before you continue your climb. You must seek for what feels right, to listen to and follow you feelings, to discern what is right and true, because by doing so you will set your bearings by your own North Star, and keep your feet upon the path that is the noble one for you.
Whereas Capricorn rightly encourages you to follow the outward paths of duty, that you must fulfill yourself by abiding in the forms, functions and exercises of power that your world requires of you, it is not enough. Luna offers this necessary counterpoint, she reminds you of the "other way", that speaks to you beyond the shadows and forms...she simply says that you need to live with humility and grace, to listen to your heart too.
Yes, you must fulfill your responsibilities...and follow your feelings too...
You must walk the Integral Path, the way of the Spiritual Warrior.
You must always and forever, live your life with honor and duty...
Embraced, informed and uplifted by your ever-enduring love.
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