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Mitakuye Oyasin -- We are all Related
You are of one Family, and
you walk the same Noble Path in...
You are here to Grow,
As you help one another from darkness to Light by...
You are the Path as You Live by Truth & Love, and
this is known as "The Way" is,
The Love of Truth...The Truth of Love.
Your Avatars of Beauty and Meaning have a message for you today...
Today these treasured two offer you a wonderful affirmation of your precious Foundation and awesome Destiny. Jupiter and Venus have aligned on either side of you, and they each hold forth from these realms of your Origin and Purpose, from Cancer and Capricorn. From these Polar Positions, they embody the Twin Pillars that form the Heartwood of your Tree of Life, of how Truth and Love are the two integral Principles that form the core of your Path through this Universe.
Jupiter is your Avatar of Truth, who is shining by the Light of Cancer now. It is here that Jupiter Illuminates the Fountain-Source of your Journey in Time and Space, which is quite simply that your path was set by your origin as a child of the One Divine. That you are a spark of this Divine who abides in your core, and because of this you are part of a vast extended family that encompasses the whole of Creation, for "we are all related" as we have our beginning and our end in the One.
Venus is your Avatar of Love, who is shining by the Light of Capricorn now. It is here that Venus Illuminates the Heart of your Journey in Time and Space, which is quite profoundly that your Love, which is the force that holds you to one another, that this love is most beautifully felt and shared as you extend a helping hand to all those who come after you, while you in turn with gratitude accept the love in the hand stretched out by the ones who watch over you...For you are part of a magnificent Hierarchy of Life-Spirit-Consciousness, and that your Caring Responsibility for one another is how you give and receive the blessings of love and fulfill your destiny as a one of the One.
From these two Avatars you can know this, that you are in your spiritual essence the same as every energy, particle and being in this Creation. Those beautiful Planets above were once as you are, and you will become as they are too...and more. You, like those Stars and Planets, and all the forms of consciousness within and around you, all of THAT forms a luminous, self-unfolding ribbon of Life-Consciousness-Spirit, and this is the Divine dancing and singing Creation.
What you share with everything and everyone is this, that behind and residing at the core of every speck of this wondrous, ever-unfolding Creation is a unique Monad of Consciousness, which is a Spark of the One. That spark of awareness is the Prime Mover, it is the ever-striving, the "forever reaching upwards" (and inwards), and it is this that propels you and all of Creation too.
For each and every Monad share this same Spiritual Drive, formed by this Essence, an Energy you have come to know as Love. And because of this, all of Creation is guided by one fundamental Spiritual Injunction which is "To Grow", and all follow one Spiritual Imperative which is to "Love One Another".
All of these countless Infinitesimals and Infinities are working through these Realms of Spirit-Matter, where all Energies and Forms have as their essence and at their core a Spark of the Divine. Every Individualizing Consciousness is on a never-ending journey through these bodies of Spirit-Matter, that in their totality form the One Body of Creation, which is the Manifestation of the Divine in Time and Space.
All of this Supernal Creation is within you, surrounds you and binds you with and to one another. The Divine that is The One is becoming through you and your companions, as you reach higher and higher to ever more sublime planes of Awareness, Love and Being.
You are part of a vast Hierarchy of Spirit and Light. You are like a younger sibling to those magisterial Planetary beauties who sing and dance through the Empyrean realms are part of their family and they are part of yours...And just as you will help your children to find and to be themselves, your elder brothers and sisters extend their love to help you as you make your way to the stars too. Their swirling dances sweep all around you, their Song of Light and Love is your song too, and so you will look up in wonder and gratitude, as you read their signs and symbols that they trace above for Inspiration and Guidance while you sojourn here below.
Venus and Jupiter offer their gift of Inspiration for you today:
Your truth is that you travel in a family of Light...
That is encompassed by a Love Divine.
You are here to Love and to care for one another...
And You will give, and you will receive
With Gratitude, with Love.
Gazing in Wonder and Humility
At Your Luminous Family above,
See them Dancing through the spaces of Space,
With Love for one and for all.