This is the "other half" of the year-end Mars' alignments, the first one being Mars Opposite Uranus on December 25. But even more than this, what you are experiencing here is the preview of the Grand Cardinal Cross of 2014, which will be most evident in April 2014.
For during this period that runs roughly from December 24 until about January 8 (and beyond really), you will have Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto forming up with one another in the same Grand Cross that will be much more exact in April, and that Grand Cross will be the most significant and signature aspect pattern for 2014.
At this point in time, various other planets will align to form a resonance with this ongoing and developing pattern of these outer planets. Yesterday it was Mercury aligning with Sun while it also squared Uranus. Today it is Mars Squaring Pluto while the Sun Squares Uranus. Tomorrow on December 31, it will be Mercury conjunct Pluto while Mercury also squares Mars.
Finally, as the New Year begins on Wednesday, which also happens to be a New Moon, the Sun will align with Pluto. Then on January 2, the Sun will Square Mars while Mercury moves to oppose Jupiter. Then the Sun will oppose Jupiter on January 5. Finally for now, Mars will square Jupiter on January 8.
That is quite a Dance of the Planets and quite a flow of Spiritual Energy through and around you by which you are to lift your understanding about yourself and your world!
For today, let us focus upon the meanings that are brought to bear by Mars and Pluto, and then briefly consider the message from the Sun and Uranus...
Whereas the Mars/Uranus Opposition posited a challenge for you to find and walk the integral path that combines your need for Social Harmony and Individual Freedom too, the Mars/Pluto Square requires of you quite a different awareness and response. For the meaning and messages of any square imply a challenge, a struggle and opportunity that is more within yourself, (though of course, given the reality of life, you will certainly experience this between one another too).
Mars, your Avatar of Desire and Action, is singing to you now of your need for Social Justice and Togetherness, and you are motivated to eagerly join or expand the many forms of relationship with one another. But in so doing you are inclined to defer to the needs of the group or of the beloved in order to bring about or maintain what would seem greater Equality and Beauty in your relationships.
But a danger is always present with Mars pushing upon the envelope of your Desires, and so in this matter you may give overmuch, being assertive in seemingly very spiritual and selfless ways, and so by passionately pursuing the good for the other or others you actually end up causing harm to yourself and to them too. That in this pursuit of Balance and Beauty you tip the scales over much, so that you and they are harmed by a failure to forge what is right and true, a relationship that is a seamlessly adaptive response to the needs of one another, that is as it should be, a dynamically balanced experience of giving and receiving. Instead, by your "over-relating", you fail to forge a proportional, reciprocal pattern for meeting the needs of one another.
Pluto, your Avatar of Will and Sacred Space will weigh in here now, and whether it will help you to right what may be wrong or bring further harm, well that is on you and your awareness truly.
Pluto can lead you into greater error here if you give in to the one and only thing which will delay your journey towards the Light, and that is Fear. For the Power of Pluto is yours, and you may wield it as a mighty force of self-transformation and self-becoming, as you turn this Spiritual Power of Will back upon yourself and thereby exercise the only control you will ever truly have but have yet to master, which is to have Self-Control and thereby Self-Determination...For by so doing you will fulfill your destiny and become a truly Free Co-Creator and be welcomed into the Company of Light.
But you have to learn to do this, and until you do you may fall...Fall into the error of fear and misuse this gift in a vain and futile attempt to control another, to force in this case a relationship to be what you will it to be, to make another be something for you, ever in and by your "generosity" or "selflessness". And in this, you will and must ultimately fail. Oh, you may for a time have "power" over another, or many others. You will bear down upon them and break them for a time, or more likely end up surrounded by weaker wills, and this will not fulfill or satisfy you, but instead it will diminish you and them.
For Power, your Will-Power, comes from whatever is the source of that power, and it is this which must be honored and served if you wish and will to do Good...and with regards to your journey, this means that you are here to learn that it is the One within you, the Light within you, the Love within you that you must serve and be guided by, or you will fall and have to try again, to try yet again.
Pluto in Capricorn sings the Song of Responsibility and Ancient Traditions now, and that there are Teachings and Wisdom and Ways of Being that you need master, that you must learn to always Respect, Honor and Protect the Sacred Space of any other as well as your own. For the Greatest Sin is to Trespass, to force another to Believe or Do what you Will them to do...and this you must never do.
Your over-eager desire for relationship must be guided, restrained and lovingly formed into a greater understanding, that before me is another who is a self-becoming spirit too, and they must freely learn and choose to do what is Loving and of the Light. You must always remember this and by so doing keep their space and spirit as sacred as your own.
Yes, these are mighty lessons, but you have faced them countless times before, and in each and every day you will face them too, in little and large ways you are asked to remember this...
That here before me, this beloved that is before me...
There I am too.
The Sun and Uranus also weigh in on today's message from the stars, and again it is a square...You face another choice and challenge, to turn away or towards the Light.
The Sun is your Avatar of Self, your pure potentiality which is that you are a "being who is becoming", held by what is called the Monad or Spark of the Divine Flame at the heart of you, and your unique Individuality will self-unfold through forms and worlds beyond reckoning.
Uranus is your Avatar of Individuality and Freedom, most clearly experienced by you in the insistent drive to ever expand your Consciousness so that it may encompass a Greater Understanding and so move into ever larger forms of Self-Realization.
You will ceaselessly move into Forms of Self-Realization that are right and true to your purposes in that Time and Space. But, given that your Nature as Spirit is to Grow, any Thought or Form or Thought-Form will only last but for a time...What brought you to where you are cannot take you where you must go next. You must be Free, you must break up the old form and be reformed...And this is what Uranus calls for you to remember now, to listen now for those Winds of Spirit are blowing, stronger now, and a world will pass away as a new one rises.
You are called to remember,
Beaten Paths are for the broken and beaten...
It is time to be a Trail-Blazer again.
To know and to believe in the Power of New Beginnings...
To preserve and pass on Traditions,
By honoring and following the Path,
That your forebears blazed long ago.
They did not wish for you to remain the same...
They wished for you what they also won,
To be Free.