It is the time between...
Between the Darkness and the Light,
All is still, all is quiet.
Your World, this Earth, holds its breath,
As you wait for your next Gift of Spirit.
The Twelfth and Concluding New Moon of the Astrological Year is here. Your year is measured by Twelve. Twelve Signs, Twelve Months and the Twelve New Moons by which to find your way.
At each New Moon the Sun imparts to Luna a new Message of Meaning for you. It is a Gift of Inspiration to lift your spirit and guide your steps as you seek to find your way on this beautiful orb you call home. But there is something special about the Final Moon of the Astrological Year, for it is both a Beginning, (as are all New Moons), but it is most truly an Ending too. How can this be, why is this so?
The Sign of Pisces is the final moment in this progressive series of Spiritual Energies that Unfold, Propel and Guide your journey of Self-Becoming. Each Sign interrelates and integrates with all the others, they depend upon one another for meaning and fulfillment. In one sense, each Sign builds upon those which came "before" and naturally unfolds to lead to those which will come "after". But in truth, all Signs are active all the time, both within you and in real time (as in the "Living Chart of the Now"). They thrill and resonate in varying proportions and combinations to produce the many Songs of Spirit, to form the innumerable Individualities of Spirit that make up this Cosmos from the smallest speck or mote to the grandest Galaxy.
But Pisces is most special, for how could it not be...Because here at the end of the Astrological Year you must pull it all in and make it as One. To gather all the threads of your experiences together and so weave your Golden Cloth of Meaningfulness, to form your Treasure in Heaven and harvest the sweet Nectar that feeds your Soul and brings you Home.
You begin by this Ending, by taking in this Harvest of your Life just lived. You need to spend some time today, tomorrow and maybe a little longer, to gather together and see as one story your Aspirations and Actions, your Feelings and Thoughts of the year just past.
You will treasure your triumphs and successes, for you earned these rewards and so you should smile. But you should pay even more attention to where you stumbled and fell, to those errors of commission or omission that haunt you still. For there is something even greater there...
And it is here that the Gift of Pisces and the New Moon will comfort you, to remind you that you will be okay, that you are in fact Loved unconditionally and for all time by your Higher Self. For the blessing of Pisces is the Gift of Compassion and Understanding, and through this Great Love you are able to do what you can and must do: You need and you will forgive yourself.
You will come to realize and understand that these missteps are really in truth your most precious moments, for in them you will find that your bright Future is truly held. For you only advance, you can only grow and become the Wondrous Being of Light that you are by making these mistakes...and by acceptance and learning and choosing to do better, you will rise.
You are here to Grow, you are here to learn, and by trial and error you will learn to turn away from lesser ways of being-feeling-thinking. You will learn to do better as you follow the gentle, reassuring voice of your Self within who will show you that your errors have formed for you the next Gift of that Humbling Wisdom that forms the path to your Future.
That in forgiveness and understanding, in the love of the One within, your soul will sigh and smile, for you able to let go of the lesser you and draw that much little closer to the Wonder that is within.
In this precious moment...
In this Crossing, between the Darkness and the Light...
Be not afraid, for you are never alone.
You are filled with a Luminous Light,
Formed and Forged in the Love of the One for one and all.
Bring your harvest home, reap what you have sowed...
Then turn and be a Light.