Your Lords of Meaning and Means are having a moment with one another…
They are bound to one another these two.
Jupiter shapes your Intention and Goals,
Mars provides the Propelling Force.
From one you set your Sights…
From the other you make it so…
The Key is Right Intention,
Forming an integral balance with
Right Action.
Jupiter is your Avatar of Truth & Principles, holder of your Beliefs and Philosophies, your Religions and Sciences too. He is the preserver, protector of the hard won Wisdom of those who came before you…and you need this Gift of Truth to help you find your way. For you are a self-aware spiritual being, and so you need this, you really need to know that all of this, that your life and that all of Life, that it all somehow makes sense.
You look to the Ancient Wisdom and Great Souls, those revered Teachers, to the great precepts passed down in Religions, you look to the great Philosophers and to the various ways in which you may approach the fundamental questions of that life behind each life…Where did I come from, Why am I here…and Where am I going? You seek and hopefully are able to form your own Paradigm or World-View, you create the boundaries and meanings of your world, and so you abide in the structures and facts that make sense of what you encounter in this life.
Mars is your Avatar of Desire and Action, providing you with the Life-Force-Substance by which to reach out and stride forth as you seek to move ever upwards upon the Pathway of Perfection. For as it was in “the beginning”, at the Sacred Crossing point from non-being into all of this that you call Creation, there was and always will be, for it is ever-present in the Eternal Now, there will always be behind every speck and mote, planet and star, behind it All, there is the First Desire, the primal Desire of the One who sought/seeks to Become through and by all the countless lives and loves of all of you.
Ideally, the Beliefs you hold will provide the guidance for what you Desire, and your Actions will forge and form that Truth into a meaning-filled Reality. But there are times, such as now, when the dance of Mars and Jupiter will come to a seemingly more dissonant or challenging turn. When planets align in this way, it seems as if two irreconcilable Energy-Forms are pulling and pushing upon you. You will feel that your only recourse is to cleave to one side or one way of being and to suppress or deny the other…But this is not “the way”, this is not your Path of Spirit, this is not the way to move from darkness into the Light.
You are an Intelligent Spirit, and you are here in these conflicted realms in order to learn how to bring together what has come apart. You are a Life-Consciousness-Energy Field and it is through Intelligence, Love and Will that you can and will heal these apparent divides. You are here to be the Living Bridge of Understanding, by which the so-called divisions of nature will become healed and made whole.
This particular challenge (really, your particular opportunity to grow) is formed by Mars in Scorpio forming a square with Jupiter in Leo. Though many will comment or write about the negativity or violence of this alignment, (for in some minds certain aspects or planets or signs are better or worse, good or evil), the truth is that Energy is neither “good” or “bad”, what matters is Spiritual Consciousness, what matters is the level of Awareness of the being or group of beings experiencing these flows of energy in, through and around them.
The essence of the challenge/opportunity is this: Mars in Scorpio is pushing/pulling one and all to act with greater Passions and Actions to break through the fear of Separation and Loss and claim the prize of a Deeper, Transformative Union. Yet if passions are too inflamed, and desires pursued too strongly, if one party pushes or pulls too hard it might very well violate the spiritual integrity of the other. Rather than forming a better shared, sacred space through mutual sacrifice, the excesses inflaming one or both into fear-based passions will force one another into an arrangement that ends badly for both.
Jupiter is holding forth from the realm of Honor and Respect, from the regal realm that is Leo. Jupiter is shaping, informing and hopefully calming the Passions of Mars, by firmly yet Lovingly reminding Mars that a Union formed upon the violation of another’s integrity will only end by diminishing both. Jupiter reminds Mars that a healthy Union is lived and demonstrated by acting with the intention guided by the Love for what is best for the other, and this follows from the principle that you must love the other as you love yourself, and you would never wish to have yourself or your space be diminished by such misplaced desires. All unions are formed by loving, mutual and integral sacrifice, for your love for each other means you wish what is best for one another.
Sacrifice means “to make sacred”, and it is only right and proper that you give up the lesser things in your life for the Greater qualities of Life. But it is a false sacrifice to implore, persuade or force another to surrender their core beliefs, principles or values even if it were to lead to some (illusionary) space of togetherness. If someone is forced into a false sacrifice, they have been made to surrender their core to another's ego, and what made them who and what they are is lost in a vain attempt to forge a Union that is based upon a lie, formed upon fear and not by love.
The Lords of Truth and Desire have aligned, and
You must walk the Middle Way,
With Righteousness and through Right Action.
You will find that Path of Truth,
By following the true meaning of the word “Philosophy”...
For though most will know that Philosophy means “the Love of Wisdom”,
It’s truer meaning is held and revered by those who are wise,
Philosophy means truly “The Wisdom of Love”.
Desire Truth,
Act by Love,
Just Love.