You are an Immortal…
A Being of Wisdom, Love and Light.
You began this journey of becoming, long, long ago…
Moving from Age to Age, through World after World.
The Divinity within working by countless forms,
Sweeping through a veritable infinity of lives.
You are a Hierarchy of Energy-Forms,
From your innermost Immortal Presence,
Reaching down into your precious mortal frame.
At your innermost and highest there is the Spark of the Divine. It is your You, the “Watcher”, your Higher Self who is loving and lifting all these many bodies or vehicles of your Self-in-Manifestation.
This Innermost and your lesser forms, all travel as one through many Worlds, Forms and Lives. It is this Integral Hierarchy of you that makes possible your experience of the many dimensions of Space-Time-Form.
In each World, Form and Life, your Higher Self Inspires and Guides these less developed forms of you. And, they equally make possible your journey of Life-Consciousness-Spirit by and through these many Energy-Forms that are the Hierarchies of the Cosmos.
Within each life episode, each individually and all of you together rise higher and higher in this Cosmos of Mind, Love and Will.
You are, in essence, your own little cosmos of Life and Love...Yet you are also a precious mote or spark of light within the Greater Cosmos of the One.
For you, once you have crossed the razor’s edge that is self-awareness, there comes the poignant, powerful and awesome confrontation with your essential nature, that you are an Immortal in a Mortal frame. You are in your essence forever, you somehow “know this”, and yet you are only here in this form and life for a very short while indeed.
You are powerful beyond reckoning, and yet so fragile too. You are Timeless and yet circumscribed by the immutable Laws of Karma, by the workings of cause and effect, your journey seemingly defined by Birth and Death…and Re-Birth.
In each life, and through many parts within any one life you will come to this moment you face now, you come to the Mystery and the Promise…
This is the portal you face now, this is the Time and Space in which we celebrate this dance of Life after Life, of Birth and Death, of our Immortality and Mortality, this is the time that is known as Scorpio.
You are made of all these Living Ones, they all abide, inform and guide you, from within through and from all around you too. These Twelve Avatars of Universal Energies and Forms, this Circle of the Living Ones have become popularly become known as the Signs of the Zodiac. They are much more than is conventionally understood, as they are Builders of this Cosmos, Principles of the Ancient Wisdom, a precious Core of the Perennial Philosophy, and their meanings and messages are about the story of Spirit. For those with eyes to see and ears to hear, they reveal, guide and inspire your journey of becoming.
For you to become what you are meant to be, you must and will master all of these Twelve. To be fully human, to be awakened you will be all of these Signs completely someday. But throughout these Twelve there is no greater challenge, no greater test or gift as the one which is held in this the Eighth Sign of Scorpio.
In Libra you met the experience of the other, you formed the sacred space that is shared, the Space of We. It is where you begin to transcend your illusion of aloneness and separation, you begin to form the rainbow bridges of understanding between one another…but this is not enough. Not for you or for them…You must go further, beyond. Beyond the illusion and to the Truth of Oneness and Union.
This is the promise and peril of Scorpio. The sweet joy of becoming one with one another necessarily places you upon the path of unimaginable Joy as you reach beyond the illusion that is separation and know in fact that you are truly you when you are one with one another. That what you see looking back at you is another spark of the Divine, and there in them you see the Mystery of the One. In them and in you, and by your letting go of fear, you experience what is behind it is all about Love. You feel the feeling behind all of Creation, for you now know that you have found one another…again. And there are no words for this, you are in a sacred place that is truly beyond all words…
But because of this you also have taken another step upon the path of pain…for nothing and no one is forever. If you love, you will feel joy; and so you will and must feel pain too. For this is the way of Truth. How could it not be so? The pain you will one day feel, when someone leaves, or is taken away, or when they pass away...You wonder how, how can you bear this pain?
And for a time, maybe a long time, it is seemingly unbearable...and that is not altogether bad, for it is the living proof that you are Human, that you care, and feel...and so you should. But it will pass, for eventually the pain will turn into this Understanding: that it is the Love that was there, and is here now, and that will always be that is ever-present Song of Spirit. Your pain is your love, and you will choose to Love again and again.
Because you will accept: that this pain is the refracted/reflected mirror of the Joy and Happiness that was, is and will be again. For you are bound to one another from the beginning until the end. You are all made of one another, as all your lives lived, all the experiences, feelings, hopes, dreams, all of it has been with and through one another and so you are made by, for and of one another…and you will meet again, and again to continue your journey of Light and Love.
It is the Time of Scorpio…it is time to face your greatest fears.
Face down your fear of Rejection, your fear of Loss, your Fear of Death.
You must face them all and know you are an Immortal,
And you have nothing to fear.
You are a being of Light and Love.
You were formed by Love,
By the Love of the One, and
By your Love for one another.
This darkness will pass,
The Light will shine through.
For you Journey together, and
You will lift yourself and one another up.
By Love, Wisdom and Will,
You will make your way home,
Through this Galaxy of Stars.