The Gift of Self-Awareness, The Path of Awakening
These are the first three steps on the path of Awakening,
Aries = I am
Taurus = I am that
Gemini = What am I; and what is That?
These are the first three steps you will take, on any world, in any life and every day. In Aries, you experience subjective awareness, you are aware of you; in Taurus, you experience objective awareness, you are aware that you are some-thing; and in Gemini, you experience the creative tension of this essential duality of you and of all Creation, that you are a You, and you are a That.
You are in your innermost, as is all of Creation, a precious spark of the one Spirit involving/evolving itself through a continuous streaming of Spirit-Life into forms of Matter. All of Creation is Spirit involving itself into ever more perfect vehicles of Substantial Being, which brings fulfillment to yet ultimately limits the fuller realization of Spirit.
That is because the very essence of Spirit or Life is to Grow, to Become or Change, and there is no final form or perfection of Material Being to be had. These evolving innumerable forms of Spirit-Matter come into being for a limited time, and they form the Manifested story of the One, whose Consciousness and Body is formed by all of Creation together. The One Spirit and all Matter-Forms together form Creation; Creation is the Journey of Life-Consciousness-Spirit ceaselessly seeking more adequate worlds, forms and lives of Self-Realization.
Yet, the very Gift of Self-Awareness arises from or is formed by this essential tension between Subject and Object. The quintessential dichotomy between Spirit and Matter forms the exquisite “ecstasy and agony” of the twin pillars of Gemini, and it is this which gives birth to your wondrous gift of “Knowing”. The fact of your essential Immortality moving through these mortal forms, trying to evolve ever more perfect forms, it is this which forms your “ache of the soul”, your yearning of you to know, grow and become.
Your essential nature as Spirit yearns to be whole, to find a way to resolve or bridge “You and That”. This is the threshold you cross every time as you move through the world of Gemini; this is what pulls and tugs on all beings who have crossed from unself-conscious forms into ever more rarefied forms of Self-Aware Consciousness. This is you taking yet another step on the Path of Awakening.
You have journeyed for a very, very long time. Many worlds, forms and lives came before you entered this realm of being human, of your beginning to be Self-Aware. You entered this special phase of your Spiritual Journey, one that brings you the ability to understand and have real choice, precisely because it begins to form and forge the rainbow bridge of light between your lower mind and higher reasoning powers.
And, this could only be accomplished by you also moving through continuously refined vehicles of self-realization that fulfill your need to become a being with reason and choice. You have come to this awareness, where you are able to make adjustments as you encounter action/reaction, as you come to understand cause and effect. You are here to fulfill your Spiritual Destiny; you are here to take responsibility for what you think and what you do, and participate as an ever more conscious co-creator of Creation.
But, tragically and inevitably, and truly acting as the essential quickening to even greater evolution of your spiritual potential, all these vehicles of your mortal life, all these matter-forms will be inadequate to the Spiritual fulfillment that you are and are yet to be. The tension between your Divinity and your mortality continues with you throughout your many lives as human, as you steadily climb the Mountain of Truth and Wisdom towards Enlightenment.
And so, you lift your eyes and look to the stars, and your cry goes out to the Universe:
“Why, why must I suffer?”
And the Stars reply:
“Because, because you are not yet what you will one day be.”
How can you bridge this unbridgeable gap between Spirit and Matter? By following the path of Spirit, by listening to your own quiet and loving voice within, by sharing your experiences and thoughts with those with whom you journey, and by following the great ones who came before, whose lives and works have illumined this path that you follow too.
At the center of each particle and mote of Creation, in the center of all the molecules and atoms of your body, and in own your spiritual heart too, there in that innermost sanctum is the guiding presence of you. It is there you will find the spark of the divine, and it is known in the Ancient Wisdom as your Monad of Spirit-Life-Consciousness. And it is this, this Divinity that is at the center of all centers, it is this that gives birth to and drives forwards and upwards all of this, all that is and is becoming. It is your higher self, it is your unconditional love, and it is also your Higher Consciousness too.
Whatever form Spirit takes on is ultimately inadequate to contain/express the truth of spirit which is ever unfolding, ever-becoming some-thing more. This impassable space, this Division of the one into the many, this is the source of your spiritual unease. It is known as Divine Discontent, your yearning to grow closer to the Divinity within and reach outwards to the Divinity that is all around too…but how to do this. Whatever the form of self-realization, it will ultimately be unable to satisfy Spirit.
But there is a Way; and the reward is great. Knowledge will lead to Wisdom, and wisdom will bring you Peace of Mind. This is the gift of Intelligence; the Fruit of Reason is Understanding. You as “Spirit Self-Reflective”, you will move beyond your pain of duality, and be a fulfilled Spirit moving through material or mortal worlds, forms and lives. Yes you will still feel the ache in your soul, often more for others than for yourself, but you will also be filled with the Joy of Understanding too.
Your way through this discontent, the pathway toward peace, is by the development, or better put, the aligning of your lower mind with and by your higher mind, with the spiritual presence found in your Higher Self. This process, this moving through the portal of Awakening is what begins with Gemini.
Here you will find once more the Path. This Path is found in the awakening of your Gift of Intelligence, and it is this that will eventually bring you to acceptance and understanding. It is by Intelligence and Wisdom that you will eventually and consciously experience your Oneness within and the Oneness that surrounds you too. This is how you “meet your beloved”, for it is this Divinity within yourself which will keep you centered in your Truth as you walk the circuitous path of curiosity, of questions, contrasts and comparisons. Yes, this is the Way of Intelligence.
But what is this gift; what is Intelligence?
Intelligence is the faculty of comparing-contrasting, of considering the dualities the Self encounters in Subject/Object, and of all the divisions within and without, as your spirit ceaselessly seeks to find a way out of division and back to the One. This is the pulse of Creation on any plane of manifestation: It is Thesis versus Antithesis, which is resolved by a more meaningful, elegant or beautiful Synthesis…and this unfolds continuously, and forever and ever on all planes of existence.
But in truth, especially in your human form, this process of determining what is more or less true, to separate out (continuously) the “wheat from the chafe” of your experience of reality, so that you might continually work towards more encompassing and elegant answers on the Path of Life, does not, it really cannot take place in separation.
Intelligence and Knowing will not function by you and for yourself alone or apart from those with whom you journey. As with all of Spirit, in all of Life, we are part of the Greater Whole and we are made up by and through our interrelationships with one another. The way you develop and engage your faculty of reasoning, the necessity for your intelligence to function, is through comparing, sharing, contrasting and correcting your thought-forms in your interactions with many, many others.
This Truth of the Way of Knowing is revealed in your very language. The word “Consciousness” is made of two words, “Con” which means “Together” and “Sciousness” which means “Knowing”.
Consciousness means literally “Together Knowing”!
You really, on your own, know very little. Your way of thinking, your categories and labels, concepts and suppositions, have been imparted to you by all with whom you have direct (and often indirect contact). Our thoughts are made by one another, and we are all mixed up with and entangled with one another. You may not wish to acknowledge this, but most of what you put forth as your own fact, thought or ideal is really the passing on from someone else, (who also passed that on from someone else, and so on).
Yes, unfortunately, we alone and divided from one another will know little and less over time. But together, striving and sharing we can come to understand a very great deal. But this requires each of us to engage with one another, to share, discuss, argue, contrast and combine so that we lift our thought-forms for one another. This is in fact another aspect of our love for one another. You need one another to refine your understanding and love for one another.
It is as if you are a light-beam, shining your particular perspective upon the matter at hand. It may appear perfectly illuminated, but you will also create a shadow from this limited point of view. You cannot know what you do not see; and, you will not see what you cannot imagine or understand. So, by having another’s point of view, by adopting a different perspective from your own, you can reduce the shadow and see the question in a more well-rounded and complete manner. And by shining many minds/lights upon the matter at hand, you will slowly but surely help one another to step out of the shadows and into "the Light".
The power of Intelligence is the ability to see a situation more completely, to see it whole and make it whole. Between one way of seeing or approaching a problem or question, and another way of seeing the issue at hand, the Intelligence seeks for the “Third Way”, the path that usually encompasses something from both those other ways and by so doing rises above them too. And though you certainly can do this by reasoning within and for oneself, the process is most certainly quickened when two or more of you put your minds together and find a better way.
So, help one another to understand “That”.
Listen to one another, discuss and share with one another and move together into the Greater Understanding.
Give thanks to those with whom you travel; For they are a Light unto you.
Give thanks to those who have secured their Awakening; their example will light your way now too.
Remember always, you are here to grow…
You are here to learn.
Keep asking questions.
Live your life with Wonder.
Love one another.
And forever and ever,
Shine on.