Sun Enters Leo
Today we mark two shifts in the “Houses of the Holy Ones”. The Sun leaves Cancer and enters Leo, and on the same day Venus turns retrograde in Leo too. The dance of the planets is shifting tunes now, and you should pay attention to the opportunities and challenges that are presented to you by your companions in the stars.
Of course, we must take special care, and we know that this is true even more than it was before, to consider what we might encounter in the physical weather we meet with day after day. And that is why we lean upon and rely upon science, along with our own intuitional nature, to navigate the dynamic dance of the energy forms that form our ever-changing weather patterns, and cope as well with the larger climate changes we are certainly experiencing now.
But there are many dimensions in this universe, and many types of energy-forms that form and shape what we experience here on the Earth. For us, the Dance of the Planets forms the great “Story of Spirit”, with our Earth travelling around the Sun, and then in combination our planetary companions dancing with one another and with us, they form intricate patterns of meaning and inspiration that can guide and inspire us as we walk the path of light which forms our spiritual awakening.
One of the principal shapers of our awakening is the yearly journey of our Earth around the Sun, as it forms not only one of the primary drivers of our physical forms of weather, but equally forms or informs our spiritual-psychological journey of humanity’s awakening.
You have spent the last 30 days with your star moving through the space of Cancer, and the opportunity you met in the first of the Water Signs was to find your way to the center of you, to truly feel the warm embrace and connection with what lies at the heart of you, (and as you go deeper and deeper, what lies at the heart of one and all). In having met with your “self that is your center”, it is in this time of Leo, and certainly somewhere always in your own chart too, that you know you must be you. In Leo you strive to release your true self, as you stretch yourself upon the stages of the world, to live and embody the life divine, and reveal to one and to all who you are, which is a creator, a leader and lover of life, as you shine like the star that you are.
Yes, it is in Leo that you stretch into the undiscovered nature of who you might be and become, you attempt a new form of expression, an extension of yourself into new spaces, into new roles, new dances of spirit, new ways of being “you”. And if you can do it, if you reach that higher mark, then others see these gifts of the creator in you and they smile, and they laugh, and yes, it is all about this, they love who you are. Because this is the heart of it, this is what is in your soul and out there now for the world to see too, it is the Spark of the Divine, pure unconditional love made manifest by the creator that is you.
Forever somewhere in your chart, and especially at this time of the year, you celebrate the spark of the Divine whose center is “Everywhere” and whose circumference is “Nowhere”, for you are one of ones of the One, dancing these songs of Spirit in every step that you take through the wonder that is Creation.
And when you are true to yourself, then you shine like the star that you are, radiant with the joy and the love that is your spark of the Divine. But just like the stars in the firmament above, your light divine will not, does not, and cannot ever shine alone. You feel this in your heart, and you know this in your soul, that you were made for one another, and you make one another who and what you are. So that every one of us is who they are because of the love we have for one another, for the love we share with one another, and so you can only be you if you live with love for one another.
For this is the heart of the teaching, you are made of love, and you are here quite simply to love one another. It is in your space of Leo, and always at this time of the year, that you see the wonder in all of the creations of Creation. And what is that? It is the One, the Creator, it is the Divine, which is shining in everything and everyone, illumined by the Love of the One.
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